Amen. We pray that You would sustain them with Your sufficient strength and pour into their hearts the joy that only comes from You. You gave Your Son Jesus to light the way a joy-filled life. I will extol You, O Lord, for You have drawn me upand have not let my foes rejoice over me.O Lord my God, I cried to You for help,and You have healed me. Happy birthday, my sweet grandma. I want to thank You for both the things I am aware of and those I have been oblivious to. Thank you for taking the time to let me know. Jesus, be with me as I search to find my lost joy. - Debbie McDaniel A Scriptural Prayer to be Thankful Lord, teach me to be thankful in all circumstances. Spring Celebration Greeting Card. Come with the light of the Gospel into the dark corners of our world to give hope to the hopeless, new life to all. We hope that the prayers we shared above can help you live a healthier, happier, and more meaningful life. You alone, my Lord, are where I find peace. Amen. In His name we pray,Amen. A God becomes Child to save the children . Dear Lord Jesus, there are so many sad and troublesome things to face in the world today, which too often cause our hearts to become weighed down with difficulties and doubts, but I pray that Your joy would fill my heart and strengthen my soul, and that times of joyful laughter would replace those seasons of weeping and hardship. Have a blessed time this month as we celebrate our Saviors birth! Amen., O Father in heaven, I ask that you gladden and refresh my spirit. You are the God of joy. Amen. So fill my heart with Your abiding joy so that I may rejoice in lifes circumstances, in periods of plenty and during those seasons when I have very little, in times of hardship as well as those times of great sufficiency. In your love, I can rejoice in everlasting happiness and joy. A Prayer For Psalm 16:11 Lord, thank you that living with you and in your ways is not a burden but a gift. Please allow me to leave behind these feelings of sorrow and depression and erase my overlying, constant feeling of gloom. In Jesus ' Name, Amen. Your wealth and miracles will arrive this month, and your peace and joy shall be permanent. Taking, as he did, the sinful world as it is, not as I would have it. I pray that my soul will rejoice in You. Allow peace to fill my heart, my life and my world. Keep my outlook filled with hope and positivity, remind me to be thankful for each moment, and let my trust in You carry me daily. I pray that You will fill me with Your joy and peace as I learn to trust in You. A Short Prayer for Thanksgiving and Togetherness. Through every generation, you have been the rock of our lives, the shield of our salvation. May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue. Thank you for moments of great joy and laughter, for those moments that just make us smile; and we thank you for turning even our darkest moments to your good purposes. Let me awaken each morning with hope for everything that the world has to offer. Your success this month shall attract celebrations. I pray that my serving will be done in love, and be a great encouragement to those around me. Please Make Me Pretty, . 10. By subscribing to the newsletter, you consent to receive emails related to the ministry of A Divine Encounter. Christ made Paul strong. - Watch it on YouTube HERE. But when times are hard and we are truly being tested, happiness scurries away. The beauty of nature and marvel of the changing seasons. Ever blessing the Lord, we sing His Resurrection, for having endured the Cross for us, He has destroyed death by death.". We often refer to happiness as an emotion that we feel during good times. We pray for those affected by natural disasters and the lingering effects of natural disasters: protect them and give them the aid they need. I am heartbroken, and my wick has burned out. Through you, my heart becomes filled with joy. Dear Lord when I suffer despair and lack of confidence, lead me to hope, faith, and trust. Eternity is too short to praise and magnify Your glorious name for all Your goodness and love towards me, and to all who are called by Your name, for in You is the fullness of joy. Vector. All of creation reminds us of You. (Psalm 71:19-24). Jamila Minnicks's heartfelt and riveting debut is both a celebration of Black joy and a timely examination of the opposing viewpoints that attended desegregation in America. As from today, you will rise above limitations and you shall testify to God's goodness in all that concerns you. Thank You, that when few or many meet together to glorify You, You are right in the midst of us and we pray that our time together would be productive and honouring to You. Related: 50 Religious Christmas Quotes 2. When we walk in faith with Christ daily, we can begin to understand what Paul is talking about, and to recognize trials as growing pains. But even in my weakness, I know that I can call on You. You have promised to draw near to each one of us, and be with us in every circumstance of life that may come our way. Guide me so that I can discover life in all of its infinite varieties. Instil in our hearts the hope of our salvation, and surround each one of us with Your love and joy. Tradition Of Decorating Dyeing Eggshell. Amen. In Your dear Sons name, Amen., There are times, O Lord when I feel a deep sense of unrest. Faithful God All fill them with your hope and joy. Amen.. For the Church 8. And we still celebrate You as Lordthis Christmas and always. Most people in life long to be happy, but God offers something that far outlasts happiness. Help me so that I can discover peace, prosperity, and happiness in life. In Jesus name, I pray. Loving Lord, as the world situation seems to get worse by the day I cling to You more closely than ever before and thank You that You are in control of my life, and that nothing can separate me from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus my Lord. Grant to the souls of all our faithful departed Your mercy, light and peace Lord, we pray that those we love Who have gone before us in faith May know Your forgiveness for their sins And the blessings of everlasting life In the company with the Virgin Mary And all the angels and saints in ancient Heaven Amen Dear Lord, Silhouette Of Woman Pray. Heavenly Father, I look around and find sadness all around. Liberating God, we offer a prayer of thanksgiving and praise for your hearing the cries of the oppressed. As I read through these psalms in preparation for this post, it occurred to me that they would be great words to hide in my heart, so that when I want to celebrate with my Savior, the words areright there waiting for me. Isa 12:3 As fresh water brings joy to the thirsty, so God's people rejoice when he saves them." 10. You are a better friend to me than I am to myself. While we cant promise that these prayers will grant wishes, we are confident that, through them, you might just find happiness and peace of mind. Lead me away from dishonesty and deceit toward eternal truth. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.. Even when I am beset by troubles and despair, guide me toward your light and be my refuge. You will increase my greatnessand comfort me again.I will also praise You with the harpfor Your faithfulness, O my God;I will sing praises to You with the lyre,O Holy One of Israel. Loving Godwhos with us always and everywhere; who knows all our hurts and sorrows, our joys and celebrations and goes through them with us: Thank you for the hope we have in younothing is impossible for you. Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!Serve the Lord with gladness!Come into His presence with singing!Know that the Lord, He is God!It is He who made us, and we are His;we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. Joy in itself is a blessing that we get to experience, and one that we can ask God to expand in us through prayer. In Jesus' name I pray,Amen. On your special day, I wish you many more years of graceful aging in peace, good health and prosperity. Prayer for Joy in My Life Loving God, thank You for the blessings Youve bestowed upon me. Be full of joy all of the time,the New Life Version translates. This realization makes me a little sad, I must admit, because it ought not be so. Thank You, that in Christ we have received newness of life and become a new creation in Him. For Peace 4a. Lord, in a season when every heart should be happy and light, many of us are struggling with the heaviness of lifeburdens that steal the joy right out of our stockings. It is hard to feel joy in the midst of this trial. God, Who left for us a memorial of Your Passion in this miraculous sacrament, Grant we implore You, that we may venerate the holy mystery of Your Body and Blood, so that we may ever experience in ourselves the fruitfulness of Your redemption. Here are 10 powerful prayers to help you find joy. "Come all the faithful, let us worshipfor through the Cross, joy has come to all the world. I dont deserve Your love and forgiveness, but I thank You for Your gift of Salvation by grace, for without You I am lost.Lord, I know that Your Word says that nothing can separate me from Your love, even when I dont feel joyful inside, but Lord if there is anything in my life that needs to be changed or that is dishonouring to You, I pray that You would show me, and restore to me the joy of being Your child.Fill me I pray with the joy of salvation. This podcast is different than the written devotional you just read, but carries the same commitment to a closer look at Scripture each day. My flesh has failed plenty of times, and with each failure, or weakness I have felt my joy stripped away. Not in a one-time miraculous way, but with the continued presence of the Holy Spirit, and through Pauls relationship with Him. When youre stressed, worked to the bone, or having relational or financial problems, it can be hard to feel joy. Yet, today You seem so far. We wish you many years, with the lords grace ever sufficient in your lives to guide you and lead you in all you do. For All Sorts and Conditions of Men 3. There are days when I feel deeply discouraged and frustrated with life. Theres no shortcut to it, or quick fix for it. When you have an excellent relationship with such important matters, you feel a lot better about yourself and your everyday dealings. I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.. Hear our prayers, Lord, for a world riddled with violence and war, disease and poverty, injustice and despair. In Jesus' name,Amen. As I go through each day, help me to touch each soul I encounter, and be thankful for every person in my life. This is where our true hope shines through. For those who are afraid of the futuregive the power of faith in You. In Jesus' precious name, we pray. 6. For Your churchpressed on every side to conform to the pattern of this world rather than the shape of Your Kingdom, and to abandon Your Words clear teaching rather than stay faithful to the Truth: we pray that Your Spirits power would strengthen us for living the Gospel, equip us to declare the Good News, unite us to demonstrate the Truth and enable us, as Your followers, to be more like You, Jesus, since we are your Body on earth. Whether at my local church or right here online, I'm committed to helping people build a real-life faith through relationship with God, especially in the areas of prayer and Bible study. Amazing grace! Watch out for the best. Prayer for Joy and Faith Lord of Mercy and Love, remind me not to let my joy fade as I look out at the increasing problems around me. For the Human Family 4. Some days, I dont see the point of it all. In the shadows I'll sing. Thank For The Joy Of Abiding In Christ Loving Father, thank You for the joy and peace that reigns in our hearts as we rest and abide in the Lord Jesus Christ. Father, You command us to be. Whenever you feel like life is getting a bit too tough, seek help and peace from these prayers and acquire the happiness you deserve. Hear our prayers, Lord, for all those who grieve. A Prayer Beyond Borders . These are my 10 favorite worship songs about joy: Rejoice in the Lord Always (again I say Rejoice) - Watch it on YouTube HERE. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time. The joy of the Lord is my strength. For full disclosure, click here. I have sought happiness according to the world. Help me to find happiness in every moment as I go through each day. Amen Embrace the New Dear God, I believe that nothing is. His blessings and his loving heart Show me the way each day should start. "Repeat the Sounding joy" J esus O ur Y es to affirming life is good! My heart is not always contrite and my posture is not always meek. Leader: "Joy to the World" Isaac Watts wrote in 1719. Heavenly Father, I desire joy in the inner man, and Your Word warns us to be on our guard against all kinds of greed and covertness, knowing that life does not consist in the abundance of our possessions, but on our deepening relationship with You. I ask these things in Your precious name. Hear, O Lord, and be merciful to me!O Lord, be my Helper!You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;You have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness,that my glory may sing Your praise and not be silent.O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever. When we face trials that are beyond our understanding, help us to find peace. In Jesus' name,Amen. Lord, we know that only in Him is true peace and lasting joy to be found, and as we sing the Christmas carols and choruses this Christmas season, we pray that true joy would come into the world, and that many would find their peace. Wrap Your Spirit around me, so my every breath is in sequence with Yours. In good times and bad, His character and His provision for me mean I can have joy no matter my circumstances. Happy Day by Tim Hughes. that we might experience hope in your goodness. Now that you've prayed, are you in need of someone to pray for YOU? Many of the readings enclosed would fit well at a candlelight vigil. Its these things I ask in Jesus name. your Spirit was breathed into us. Through His earthly footsteps, we study the example He left for us to follow. Those who are thankful for God's creation work to sustain it. Thank You, that as Your children we can all cling to Your faithful promises which are new every morning. For the Mission of the Church 8b. We pray that Your joy and peace would rest upon us, and that we would be filled to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit, during this time together. Amidah from the Jewish Faith "We give thanks to you, for you are the Lord our God and the God of our fathers forever and ever. The wicked prosper, and the righteous suffer. Mental prayer, which the early Carmelites promoted and perfected, certainly may include a simple thought of thanksgiving lifted to God in the heart. All rights reserved. Have a fantastic birthday celebration. Celtic Blessing (An ancient prayer for happiness and joy), then here are 49 positive prayers you can recite each morning, 21 Bible Verses About Helping Others in Need, 55 Bible Verses About Gratitude to Be More Thankful in Life, 33 Bible Verses About Dealing with Stress in Your Life, Happiness is a Choice: 7 Reasons to Choose It for Your Life, 23 Free Bible Journaling Printables and Templates, 23 Bible Verses About Volunteering and Serving Others, How to Overcome the Freeze Response: A Simple Guide, Shy VS Introverted: 9 Differences Between These Personality Types, 45 Best Hobbies for Couples to Share Together, 51 Passion Project Ideas & Examples List for 2023, 21 Best Films That Explore Mental Illness, 41 Words of Encouragement for Someone in Jail, The 5 Best Vitamins for Anxiety (Our 2023 Review), 101 Toxic People Quotes to Stay Away from Negativity, 57 Strong Mom Quotes About Being a Powerful Parent, 7 Steps to Deal with Emotionally Unavailable Parents, 35 Best Songs About What Its Like to Have Anxiety. Enable them to have peace, and to know the hope Your life, death, and resurrection bring. Dear Lord, thank You for my job and workmates, and thank You that I am able to provide for all my needs and nescessities and those of my family. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Meg writes about everyday life within the love of Christ on her blog, - James 1:2-3. Trusting that he will make all things right if I surrender to His will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever., O Father, please help me to find rest within your happiness. For those hurt by your churchwe ask you to heal wounds and enable forgiveness. Were not saying that prayers can ultimately solve all your problemswhat we mean is that prayers can change the way you see things. What comes after prayers of joy? I pray that you will guide me in all ways and help me to make the best of the situation. 8. The uniqueness in all of us and the diversity in the daily horizon. Happy new month. If You could fill my heart with joy again, I know gratitude would come easy. Prayer for Joy and Peace Father of Mercies, please, Lord, I long for joy in my heart and peace in my soul. May God give you the grace to make wise choices and to be faithful to your commitments, always confident in the support of those who love you. Amen.. Bring gladness and joy to my heart, and restore to me the hope of salvation. Regardless of religion, one simple prayer can turn everything around. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, Paul said in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, so that Christs power may rest on me. In Jesus holy name, I pray. . Goodness, mercy and peace eternal with glad tidings shall never cease from you and may your soul always find comfort. Response. Others have lost hope in people because of those who have hurt and betrayed them. I have set the Lord always before me;because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices;my flesh also dwells secure.For You will not abandon my soul to Sheol,or let your holy one see corruption.You make known to me the path of life;in Your presence there is fullness of joy;at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. For those who feel alonewe ask you to be their strength, and to give them loving friends to encourage them. Please forgive me for placing my joy in fickle circumstances. "We Let You Go" by Ruth Burgess Burgess is the author of a book called Candles and Conifers. Amen., Source: Courtney Pococh from Everyday Know. We are grateful to celebrate this day marking 80 years of life on earth. I am worn from trying to re-gain something so precious and dear to my well-being. Happy birthday to you. And hear our prayers for Your churchthat we might have eyes to see those no-one else sees, hands to reach out, ears to listen, voices to speak encouragement, and feet to go anywhere and everywhere to share the Good News of your love. I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. Prayer for Mission #1 - (To Saint Eugene de Mazenod.) For You have drawn me out of a deep pit, and set my feet on the Rock of salvation. AMEN. Pour into my heart the joy of the Lord. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. Celebrate always,the VOICE paraphrases, andRejoice always, the New International Version states. All of this will perish, but You alone are eternal. Holy Mary, Mother of Joy: Pray that all our laws may protect and defend the innocent life which lives within each mother's womb. Prayer for Life - O God, our Creator, all life is in your hands . Help me to share this joy of knowing Jesus with all those who You place in my path, and I pray that throughout the world there may be many sinners today who are saved by grace through faith in the shed blood of Christ Jesus, so that they too may experience the joy which is freely available to all who believe in the gospel of grace.
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