On top of that, the interface and problem descriptions, more often than not, are confusing to newcomers (One recurring example: People not knowing what input() really does, because they never interacted with a program, and trying to assign the value from the example in the description in the promp, and then printing what actually is an input from the user, etc). Good for learning the material,TERRIBLE for going back to review it again. The lessons really help me grasp information needed to pass the class. dinnington high school alumni. It has numerous spelling and grammar errors as well as confusing material. The website was useful as learning material, and my course relied heavily on it. It was very helpful in my learning process, especially because the 2019-2020 school year was moved online. I usually have to use an IDE just to make life easier. The labs are good. Zybooks is one of the best way of self-learning. I am actually really glad my professor choose to use zybooks because she doesn't do zoom and I don't have to worry about that becasue i get all i need to know from here explained in full. Helpful since it shows answers rather than leaving a practice activity with confusion, The format for Zybooks on the parts that are the blue areas, are confusing, and honestly, some of the examples are very hard to follow when you have to scroll down the page and back and back and fourth. Zybooks is the best learning tool i have ever used: 267: It's been a nice applicable method for teaching people programming in Java: 268: It was helpful for learning Java. Zybooks would be great on its own, however in addition to a bunch of other assignments, it can be overwhelming and I feel like I'm just doing this for credit. ZyBooks packages the lessons very neatly and is easy to understand. I really enjoyed the course material and the interactive learning within the course. This is my first time using zyBooks, but so far everything has been intuitive and easy to use. I enjoy doing the participation activities as I read. The activities allow me to visualize how it works. Very well done material, however a little tedious for people already familiar with the material. So far I like the interaction and feel more confident that I will understand the work. Compared to a textbook, we provide infinitely more feedback (literally). Where my instructor lacked code examples, zybooks picked up that slack. Its easy to use and easy to learn with it. Zybooks has given me a deeper understanding about Java. It's like an interactive textbook or a virtual professor with which you can learn from at your convenience any time of the day. The interactive chapters really help me understand the material and provide the opportunity for hands-on learning. I believe they are helping in making sure that I am comprehending the material. This is the correct approach to learning in my opinion. Reading zybooks is pretty easy too. It's really helpful, but the professor used only zybooks to teach, instead, it will be helpful if he used board teaching and then assign zybook questions at the end of the chapter. I like it. Zybooks gave a more in depth look at lessons, which I appreciated. It's more engaging than just reading a textbook and it is really helpful to see these sometimes abstract concepts illustrated/animated, especially for someone like me as a visual learner. With just your email and a couple clicks, any instructor can start evaluating a zyBook right now. Scroll to the bottom of this page for further discussion of recent survey results. I think its the best place to learn even for those does not enjoy reading big books because the book only have necessary objects. I think a little more help on challenge activities would be good. I think it is a great way to learn coding concepts in particular! I really loved the user friendliness that Zybooks provides for first time users. The playing feature becomes extremely frustrating to follow along. I had to retake CSIS 1400 because the first time I didn't really learn as much as I hoped. Good learning tool, but the multipart videos are tedious. ZyBooks is an Education solution that StatusGator has been monitoring since March 2021. Easy to use and nice simple presentation of information. In my opinion, Zybooks puts big name textbook manufacturers to shame. I think zyBooks is a very easy program to use and is very convenient since all of it is online. Some to the point where I had to look at other sources for the answer. Driving the engine behind zyBooks are instructors who know that students learn by doing. I thought zyBooks was a very helpful tool in learning coding for Python. This was often frustrating. It helps me organize what I need to have done for each week which helps me stay organized. The format is a huge improvement on typical online textbooks. There is some room for improvement like some progress bars or score calculation bar. So far so good. ZyBooks makes learning concepts easier by providing an in-depth explanation, organized sections, and feedback on why an answer was right or wrong. I was able to complete HW assignments wherever I was, and the interactive animations really helped me to understand what the book was talking about. The activities help me to truly learn and understand the material instead of just reading lots of theorems that take forever to understand. I believe it is very useful for interactive learning. I'm currently using _____ for another class and hate it. I thing zyBooks is a good program. increased by However resources in the book including interactive opportunities to compile C++ helped me pick up skills quickly but were at time frustrating to use due to adding whitespace out of habit that would mark answers wrong. Tell me and I forget. By that I mean that you are doing activities while you read as opposed to reading the chapter first, then doing exercises. It explains material well and I like the exercises that help you understand the material as you go along. Its gotten a lot better. I found zyBooks reasonably good at learning complex concepts. These were assigned homeworks, but they did an incredible job at helping me further understand the material. Text could be broken up better. But there's a solution to the problem: zyBooks. I thought zybooks is a wonderful way to learn python. The interactive learning segments and in-text quizzes allowed me to really grasp a deeper understanding of the text I was reading. especially for someone like me that is not very quick with information about technology and computers this allows me to focus on key information and not just get through the material without actually learning and applying new concepts. Another rare complaint indeed relates to cost. I dont love the format. So here I am. Zybooks is good as supplementary material, but for the class I'm currently taking right now, it's the only material being taught. Canvas integration is good and interactive activities are also nice. In fact, try this: Pick a number between 1 and 1,000, and search for and jump to that number in your browser (Ctrl + F on Windows or Command + F on Mac) youll almost certainly see overwhelming positive responses no matter where you look. Would have loved to used zybooks for one of my psychology courses. The content on zyBooks is amazing, but the coursework in my class does not always relate completely. I thought Zybooks was going to be like _____, but I actually liked it better than _____, I found it easier to use and navigate. It helps me learn the things that we don't go over or don't go in depth enough in class. There is no point in buying a zybook if the contents just lock back after my rental has ended. The interactive nature of zyBooks helped me remain engaged with the textbook and retain a surprising amount of new information very quickly. Allowed me to be better prepared for lecture and tests. Link: Student survey Basics A loop commonly must iterate a specic number of times, such as 10 times. It has helped me grow as a code developer. For example, when trying to read an example where a diagram is near the start of the example problem, one is constantly needing to scroll up and down the page, and thus difficult to follow along the example in an efficient manner. Love the challenge problems and lots of examples. not much, so far, pleasant experience. I find zyBooks easy to use and a fun interactive platform to learn. Change your testing methods. I think it is a very interesting and helpful tool. A great book has to be interesting to every level. the website and platform is organized very well, it is easy to read and functions well. I enjoy stepping through the processes and practicing the code. Argentina. However, I truly wish the book wouldn't disappear after the semester. I Love the activities and ability to really delve into my learning, It was okay, but I don't think it taught me computer science. I think zybooks is very helpful in first learning a topic but is not helpful for in-depth learning. The only reason I dislike zyBooks for the class in question right now is because I feel like it does not link with the class at all, and just that overall the EE__ class at ___ is very poorly structured. The way it checks labs can be annoying, but readings are great. I think its a good aspect to have in the classroom. I enjoy the interactive modules. I like the setup. By far my favorite online textbook platform, love the interactive modules and progress tracker! However, the material did not relate to the assignments. Honestly, zyBooks was the best digital textbook subscription I have had thus far in my college education. I think zybooks is an incredible tool that allows the students to take assignments or understand course works that they learned during their class time. Nice ui with good activities that help solidify understanding. rdr2 emerald ranch dog location; what happened to kraglin in infinity war; hershey bears 2021 2022 schedule; how to cook goodies frozen egg product Its a good learning tool, but the Challenge Activities dont always function in Firefox and some of the Participation Activities can be bypassed too easily in my opinion. It is not my favorite software to use, but it is definitely helpful when it comes to reviewing materials with the challenges and participations. It was a great way to practice C++ programing skills. I think it helps the student to really learn the material and feel engaged in what is being taught. I think Zybook is a great program. Presents material in a way that is easy to follow while providing activity questions/examples with amazing explanations as to why an answer is wrong or correct. You also never talked about memory and underlying representation. It's a good opportunity to understand the material easier. I like the exercises are interactive and worked into the material. zyBooks is great. Zybooks made learning C++ easy. It's honestly one of the best learning tools. When I had strange questions / issues about the material and submitted feedback, zyBooks ALWAYS responded. Helpful lecture content, labs and challenges. It's good. Zybooks has been very helpful in learning the material with many clear examples. Over the past almost 2 years, we have collected data on on more than 35 outages that affected ZyBooks users. It's easy to navigate and the material is useful. I was using Codecademy but I have some GI Bill left, so I figured I might as well use. The metrics about how much progress is made and during which time frames is incredibly helpful. As well as the Lockdown Browser being torment to work with. I love the zybook! It is easily accessible and can be done anytime, anywhere. it's kind of annoying to program in these text boxes with no linting or auto completion of brackets/paranthesis, etc. I think an easy version of the labs that is a bit more guided would help me a lot. They contain the same core concepts as a traditional textbook, but present them in a more engaging way. This feels like I am getting the short end of the stick. However, until now, everything points to Zybooks (if I have access to the book that's being used, I'll write an update). zyBooks actualized it. I liked examples of code and found them very useful. The price also was not too steep, which I appreciated, as some online programs I have used for other STEM classes were super expensive and glitchy. I think zybooks is an excellent tool, it's made reading for me not such a chore and works better with the way I learn. It provides an easy way for us to study the material. I like how it was organized and forced the student to read and understand the material. Sometimes the coding "do it yourself" problems were very difficult even after reading the context. It was confusing at first when I needed to buy my textbooks at the beginning of the year since the ISBN wasn't recognized, but this tool is pretty helpful and engaging. zyBooks helps you learn in an interactive way. That is what tech companies are looking for: people who can think, not just regurgitate whatever they just read. It gives you the hands on experience while also still talking through it thoroughly. That includes nearly any popular browser: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and more. Some of the graded code assigments were formatted poorly but otherwise not horrible. It is a good way to learn certain topics without getting too detailed in the explanations. I appreciated the points system and the multiple checkpoints granted for the chapters; however, I wish that some of the content was more linearly explained. I thought it was an extremely helpful learning tool. i can finish reading offline. I was able to learn about the program in class which then translated nicely to zyBooks because I was able to apply what I already knew while gaining an even better understanding through the reading and labs. and had specific due dates for chapters (still not bad!) Practice problems along side book are quite helpful. To help, we give temp subscriptions until financial aid is disbursed. Though I would love if there would be an easy way to access table of contents at the left side of the screen so I can open it even when I am doing the chapters. Pretty good interactive content. I am very impressed with this system. However in light of COVID-19 I have not found it as useful but that is partly my fault partly because zybook is not something that is tangible and in front of my face therefore I tend to forget about it. I was very pleasantly surprised! (Supporting the student with feedback that guides their learning process is needed; otherwise, they may give up and find the answer online. And monitoring students progress is an excellent instructor tool. We had issues, however, as we progressed to more advanced materials. Very helpful videos and illustrations when learning complicated Data Structures programs. From past experiences it always took me alot of time to go and look up the textbook from previous Math classes. ZyBooks was nothing like. Well continue to educate students and improve on this issue. Its interactive on learning basis and helps grasp the knowledge through animations and simulations. zyBooks is very helpful and makes things seem easier than than it is. Zybooks really helped me understand the course material for this class. However it's very helpful with test cases and homework and definitely teaching. It was good, I like how there was no penalization for getting the wrong answer creating better learning environment. I like that zyBooks can be used to review for an upcoming exam. I will be honest that the section on Linked Lists has been kind of confusing, but I think in the end I figured it out. Even after going through the material several times I still feel lost on the labs. It has been tremendously helpful in teaching me java. very useful especially when we do not have our textbooks. I would be far more successful if there were a more comprehensive text book that accompanied the online course material. Other than these select problems, I overall found the book really really useful. It was great since it had a bunch of examples and showed you different situations with every topic. There were other areas too, this is just the one I can remember off the top of my head. I really like the interactive features because practicing code right after learning makes it solidify in my memory. The format of the Participation Activities is better than anything a normal textbook can do. Try the first chapter free! However, you can't talk to them 24/7. It helped me learn with the readings and then practice/ apply my new-found knowledge with the labs. It is helpful for learning and studying the material in the class, Overall great, but it will be better if there are more explainations, It is overall a good source but the only thing I suggest is adding a chat option with the professor. I love the concept, particularly fitting for computer science. zyBooks is a great learning program that helps the user learn the material that is needed, the hands-on challenge really enhance the learning experience. The integrated tools track student effort and compare programs for similarity.
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