Air Force K9 Dog Handler Careers. A well-trained dog became an extension of his handlers senses seeing, hearing, and smelling danger that was otherwise undetectable. Battles/Campaigns: Vietnam. A human nose has about five million scent receptors; a shepherd has at least 225 million. the epizootic. - Alcohol Congressman, Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland. He received the Silver Star for alerting the airbase a VC attack was coming. This was considered the last combat action of the Vietnam war. Handler tours (multiple tours are shown also) and dog assignments by base, The real story of the Vietnam War - WAR DOGS- AMERICA'S FORGOTTEN HEROES, MWD Criteria for Inclusion USAF Police Virtual Memorial. View military histories of over 2 million, If you are a veteran, reconnect with people. We were all so young. Claims! They knew the drills inside and out, and we did not. After completing an 8-week training course, he was assigned to Fairchild AFB, Washing, for duty with the Strategic Air Command. stories/photos The dogs started out at Lackland Air Force Base in . Please email me with information. - Strollers Dogs have been mans partners in war for a long time. Redesignated 437th Security Forces Squadron July 1, 1997. K-9 sentry dogs at Phu Cat Air Base in Vietnam are trained by members of the 37th Security Police Squadron. United States War Dog Association (USWDA) was established in 2000 by 5 dog handlers (Ron Aiello, Bucky Grimm, Bob Cicero, Bob Thompson, and Al Gunderson) who served in Vietnam. While serving as a dog handler and sentry in Montana, Bob was called to protect one of the last American bases in Southeast Asia after the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam in 1973, known as Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Force Base. I know all your dog handler friends are. At 6:06 a.m. Thursday, former Airman 1st. When Vogies ears would go up, the fur on her back would go up, her tail would also go, I knew she had something, Langley said. eighteen Security Police personnel KIA) were on the CH-53helicopter Links of The picture will go up on The Wall under his name and, in addition, Langley will attach an old newspaper article under the headline: Airman Awarded Silver Star Posthumously., This is Airman 2nd George Bevichs grave in Summit Hill, Pa., 50 miles north of Allentown. Dogs to be used as scouts were trained at Fort Benning, Georgia, learning to detect tripwires, weapons caches, and other items. Take the thin, monofilament lines that were practically invisible to the human eye, which the Vietcong attached to a grenade or other explosive device that detonated when tripped. A large proportion of American infantry casualties were caused by these devastating devices. The granite panels were designed and constructed by Columbus Art Memorial. All of the other dog handlers were doing the same thing. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. MWD Criteria for Inclusion USAF Police Virtual Memorial, When they started school,they only had blues and low quarters and were cleaning kennels withwet shoes and one set of blues. or photos. Ray Roberts & King, Da Nang AB Vietnam April 1973 Photo Courtesy of Don Poss, Fred Hewitt & Sentry Dog Bullet Da Nang AB Perimeter Dec 1967 Photo courtesy of Monty Moore, A1C Shark and K-9 Heino at Cam Ranh Bay AFB Vietnam. During the day, they would truck C-rations and water out to us and we stayed put.. Don,Great article. - Knives Most of the dogs that survived the war were either euthanized or sent to work for the South Vietnamese Army. Very few dogs were redeployed to U.S. bases outside of South Vietnam to live out their lives in peace.,,,, Vietnam Dog Handlers Association Has anyone, military personnel, found out what happened to these poor dogs. - Diaper bags The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force will provide another unique opportunity for visitors to honor Presidents Day and the legacy of Special Air Mission (SAM) Presidential Transport aircraft through "Plane Talks" on Saturday, February 18 from 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Nemo: Canine Hero
What happened to them after that? Langley was asked. Each team included a visual tracker and a dog handler upfront, followed by their cover man, then the radioman and the team leader. Reeves attended the dedication of the new memorial. SOURCE: Military Working Dogs National Monument, I have searched endlessly to find out what fate the scout dogs, Vietnam War, had. She would get excited, but she was trained not to bark. of Vietnam, including attacks on bases. Hear him talk about his service, from parachuting with Prince, to lying on ambush in Vietnam with Prince. Lisa Rogak, in " The Dogs of War," commented that the Viet Cong offered the equivalent of $20,000 for a dog's ear; proof of the handler's death only garnered the equivalent of $10,000. Dogs have been mans partners in war for a long time at least as far back as 4000 BC. Tom King was another handler who attended. On Jan. 30, 1968, all hell broke lose. They must have established a very strong bond with these dogs and when one of the team gets wounded or killed thee emotions of loosing your best friend is embedded in your brain forever. Reeves has volunteered at Motts Military Museum since 2012. Dogs were trained as scouts and sentries as well as other duties. It wont be like it was when he first attended the ceremony a quarter century ago with no recognition for the dog handlers. Though there was. Prince lived to be 15 which makes Reeves happy. Inc. All Rights Reserved | Not a U.S. Government Website. Vietnam. Mark Smoot served in the U.S. Air Force as an Airman 1st Class with the 56th Security Police Squadron in Thailand from 1971-1972. USAF Chemical Exposure All Rights Reserved. Hereare the most common terms and what they mean. Includes sound bites from Staff Sgt Tim Castillo and Staff Sgt Witney Young, U.S. Air Force 455th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron. evaluation of the disease threat in areas where Class John Langley of Venice stood in front of the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C., and read 30 servicemens names who appear on the memorial together with more than 58,000 others inscribed there forever. Scout dogs were trained to alert on enemy movement, booby traps, land mines, base camps, underground tunnel complexes, and underground caches of weapons, food and medical supplies. The U.S. Army had the highest number of infantry scout dog teams deployed throughout South Vietnam and consequently suffered the highest number of casualties, dogs and handlers, of the war. FREEAdmission & Parking. As a result, the enemy placed a price tag on the heads of the war dog teams and hunted them with extreme prejudice. But our forces did have one elite weapon that sometimes took the advantage away. Story It was a watershed moment but it was not without challenges. Richard Cunningham served as a sentry dog handler in Vietnam and later worked with the New York Police Department and as a fraud investigator. Dog teams were placed on the perimeter in front of machine gun towers/bunkers. Photo provided, When an MWDis released to bite, handlers want them to get a full mouth bite, clench tight, and hold on until the handler gets there so the suspect cant get away. Nemo's Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 71-72', Complete History of Air Hometown: Needham, Mass. On March 3, 2023, at a White House ceremony, retired Army Colonel Paris Davis received the Medal of Honor. In addition all bags are subject to search and may be placed through an X-Ray machine. The middle panel contains the words, The Unbreakable Bond.. This was Roughly 4,000 dogs served in Vietnam, leading patrols through the dense jungle terrain. Discharged: 26 Aug. 1968 Though he lost an eye, Nemo survived. Dogs could even detect enemy fighters submerged in rivers, breathing through hollow reeds and waiting to attack American watercraft. When a handler asks another handler to decoy for their MWD. He flew home and another airman took over handling his shepherd, which remained in the war zone. If you are interested in adopting one of the dogs, please email the adoptions coordinator at ; we will email you an application packet.. Meeting the dogs: Approved applicants will be given an opportunity to schedule an appointment to travel to the . All visitors may be screened with a metal detector upon entry. Not a pleasant thought to consider given their incredible service, endurance, and devotion to duty. A dog handler witht he combat tracker team from the 4th Inf. Dogs were trained to alert their handlers to all kinds of hidden dangers, from snipers to trip wires and weapons caches. Our US Air Force Dog Handler, K9 Unit Experience, Cam Ranh AB. (U.S. Air Force photo). Over time, you will have the opportunity to advance into higher ranks. It was a disgrace and left thousands of dog handlers in a state of depression for years to come. Bill Cummings, a retired Air Force K-9 handler, in his home on April 14, 2018. in Marana, Ariz. Cummings helps former dog handlers find out the fates of military working dogs from the Vietnam era. Det. 1953 - Some of the first K-9 to be used in the Korean war. This Page is for our Air Force's Dog Handler,K9 Unit; experiences before and during our time at Cam Ranh AB, Vietnam. Aggressive dogs usually went to the sentry unit. Most of hte handlers even offered to pay thier dog's way. The dog was deployed to alert on the breath scent of enemy underwater divers breathing through reeds, snorkels and other underwater apparatus. Marine dog handler Steve Reichenbach with his dog, Major, on a patrol north of Danang in late 1966. . The two were trained to scout which meant they would go on patrols and search for people, mines and booby traps. It was well known that the enemy put a bounty on both the handlers and their dogs. Photo courtesy of Captain Humberto "Bert" Garcia Flight Med. The scent of the Vietnamese was very different and much easier for them to pick up and alert on. and the Sandbox. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for USAF Security Police Sentry Dog K9 Handlers Photo Flight Line Formation 1950-60s at the best online prices at eBay! These dogs are credited with saving more than 10,000 lives. Together, we can make sure our heroes will get the reverence they deserve and the stories and sacrifices of our heroes will never be forgotten. After the dog located the tunnel, a soldier (Tunnel Rat) would enter the tunnel to investigate. There is a long history of dogs being used in war that stretches back to ancient times. The several thousand surviving war dogs were crated and no longer performing their jobs in the field because their masters were ordered out of South Vietnam. During the ground war, Veterinarians and Vet Techs were also deployed throughout South Vietnam to help manage the diets and medial health of the war dogs. Step 4: Become an active duty dog handler . A few of them were euthanized or they became dinner for some Vietnamese family. Cam Rahn Bay Vietnam My Marine friend got medication, food, vitamin supplemens from a veterinarian and shipped them to the ARVN. The German shepherd dog and handler were generally deployed with the infantry and combat engineer units. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This image was on the front cover of AMVET magazine showing John Langley and his dog, Vogie. But a trained dog could detect the trap, and it would be neutralized. concluded that the future control of canine Tracker dogs were trained to track based on blood trails, odors, and other evidence of someone having . Home | Join VDHA | Membership Renewal | Contact Us | Member Login 2023 VDHA All Rights reserved. I read they given to the S. Vietnamese Army or euthanized. Credited with saving Throneburg's life, Nemo was hailed as a hero. It was an experience that, for Air Force Staff Sgt. was a dog handler who served in the Air Force from 1972-1976. On a night in early December 1966, about 75 enemy raiders slipped past the first perimeter line at Tan Son Nhut Air Base, South Vietnam. EIN: 52-1149668, Copyright 2023 The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display. Mayaguez K-9 Memoriam Please note the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force is not responsible for items left in vehicles. Dragon ships sprayed the surrounding jungle with bullets. History Please feel Just give the military dogs are employed, disease education of Hosted by Defense Media Activity - However, as the war escalated, The United States Marine Corps entered into a service agreement with the US Army to have them train German Shepherds as scout dogs. In this Holland Vietnam Veterans episode, I interviewed Bob Curnick, a dog handler who served in the Air Force from 1972-1976. National K9 Veterans Day, March 13, is a day set aside to honor commemorate the service and sacrifices of American military and working dogs throughout history. May Iforward it to other vets online?Thank you,Leo G. Hernandez 602-359-9628, If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for a reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed., From: War Tales To: Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2015 10:38 PM Subject: [New post] Vietnam dog handlers recognized at The Wall Veterans Week #yiv0250566932 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv0250566932 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv0250566932 a.yiv0250566932primaryactionlink:link, #yiv0250566932 a.yiv0250566932primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv0250566932 a.yiv0250566932primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv0250566932 a.yiv0250566932primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv0250566932 | Don Moore posted: At 6:06 a.m. Thursday, former Airman 1st. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Vietnam Era Dog Tag plus US Air Force Patches | Memorial Ephemera & Misc Affects at the best online prices at eBay! Under PROJECT TOP DOG 145, the U.S. Air Force sent 40 sentry dogs and 40 handlers to South Vietnam in the summer of 1965. Ehrlichia canis, was identified as the cause of RAF Military Working Dogs play a vital role supporting RAF Police Handlers to protect people and fight crime. treatment and serologic testing to detect listed by name, brand number, and bases assigned. Click here for frequently asked questions regarding items permitted inside the museum. King was stationed as a military policeman at Lockbourne Air Force Base (now known as Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base) in Columbus, Ohio, when a commanding officer sent him to be trained as a dog handler. Allhandlers will learn how todecoy aka pretend to be the bad guy and its important they know how to agitate properly toprovoke the dog to bite them. To Sandbox, Vietnam There are over 1300 working Dog handler teams worldwide, and the . Lava The United States Military Working Dog DemonstrationTeam was formed in 1975 at Lackland AFB. Note: Working on this list, USAF (U.S. Air Force photo). 1973 is significant because that was when the United States ceased ground combat operations and withdrew the last of its ground combat forces from South Vietnam. Yet, with the bond a dog team creates and all the training they have gone through, handlers will, at times, doubt their dogs abilities. "Those that did not die were euthanized or left behind when US troops withdrew from the war. This copyrighted material may not be republished without permission. Due to the nature and escalation of the war, in 1965 the Army decided to reactivate its scout dog program. - Hero of Tan Son Nhut AB. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. US Army veterinarians provide training for Air Force military working dog handlers. I was a sentry dog handler in Vietnam from 1967 to 1968, a member of the 212th Military Police Sentry Dog Company stationed in Tay Ninh. As some of the only . As a result, all handlers in the military use key terms and phrases that every handler will understand. At times we had to lay on our dogs to keep them quiet when he VC ran by. When he went home, he stayed in contact with Taddys ARVN handler. From here, you can become an active duty dog handler. I laugh at some of the things we all did. Since then, no adoptable dogs are euthanized at the end of their military service. U.S. Air Force A2C George M Bevich Jr. and his dog, Rex, were killed defending their base on December 4, 1966. "We now have 2,000 former dog handlers in our organization today." Airman 2/C George Bevich, a dog handler in Vietnam is pictured with his dog, Rex. We talked on the phone several times in the last few years, and finally we were able to meet in El Paso, TX for a short visit. They have proven themselves to be the best at what they do. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. (LogOut/ . A three-man squad in a Jeep with a mounted M-60 machine gun would arrive within five minutes and check out the area looking for Viet Cong infiltrators. Whether it was a sniper at 200 yards, a rocket fired into a base camp or an attack from a well-concealed bunker complex, the element of surprise was usually on the side of our enemies. We talk about you all the time. U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Everything for our dogs. and its implications for the future use of A1C David Shark with his sentry dog Heino at Cam Ranh Bay Air Base, South Vietnam. Due in large part to their collective efforts, Robbys Law was passed by the U.S. Congress in 2000. His handler, Airman 1st Class Robert Throneburg, released him to attack. References Since then both King and Reeves have been able to see the records of their dogs. Face-to-face with Elvis, an energetic German shepherd, U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Alyssa Stamps, a military working dog handler with the 35th Security Forces Squadron, makes a grab for the ball. Change). I was shocked when I heard that you had been killed during the attack on your base in Siagon. He began contacting his former dog-handler buddies and eventually formed the nucleus of a dog-handler group known today as the Vietnam Dog Handlers Association. On November 1, 1964, between 12:25 and 12:33 AM, Vietnamese Communist (VC) troops attacked Bien Hoa Air Base with six 81-mm mortars positioned about 400 meters north, outside the air base. King learned that Fritz was euthanized after the war. Organized January 8, 1966 at Charleston AFB, South Carolina; Redesignated 437th Security Police Squadron March 8, 1967. - Backpacks share a common bond. He extended for a month-in-country to help Taddy get accustomed to her new situation. In addition all bags are subject to search and may be placed through an X-Ray machine. 1975-76 to the DOD Dog Center, Lackland AFB, Texas. They loved to work purely for the approval and praise of their handler and partner. In a decision that remains controversial to this day, the Department of Defense classified the dogs as equipment, and most were left behind transferred to the army of South Vietnam, systematically euthanized, or simply abandoned. Labs were friendly, handled the heat okay and had a natural instinct for tracking ground scent. Copyright 2003-2021. (U.S. Air Force photo). VIDEO: Remembering the Vietnam Wars Combat Dogs (National Geographic), VIDEO: Walking Point: Vietnam Scout Dogs Trailer (YouTube), VIDEO: A Breed Apart: Combat Trackers and Their Dogs in the Vietnam War (YouTube), A History of the 58th Infantry Platoon (Scout Dog), Training of War Dogs The War Office, 1962, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund | 3033 Wilson Blvd, Suite 300 | Arlington VA 22201 | 202.393.0090 "Nemo", born in October 1962, entered the United States Air Force as a sentry dog in 1964, at the age of 1 years. It was on March 13, 1942, that the . He completed K9 training at Lackland. At the moment of impact its important the decoy is not so stiffto allow the dogs momentum carry through. Learn more about featured topics of the Vietnam War and Vietnam Era. experience proved that canine ehrlichiosis can USAF 633rd SENTRY DOG Section Camp Pleiku K-9 Vietnam Patch. Parade Float 2013. The mission of the 341st Training Squadron is to provide trained military working dogs and handlers for the Department of Defense, other government agencies and allies through training, logistical, veterinary support and research and development for security efforts worldwide. Your dog's fate! King and Fritz arrived in Vietnam in January 1967. Take the military aptitude test. I feel really sorry for these soldiers . Under PROJECT TOP DOG 145, the U.S. Air Force sent 40 sentry dogs and 40 handlers to South Vietnam in the summer of 1965. Vietnam and Thailand. Former dog sentry handler Richard Cunningham shared a history about well-trained dogs as a new kind of warfare. Ian Harvey is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE, The Follow-Up to Band of Brothers is Coming. While stationed in Thailand with the 56th Security Police Squadron Bob formed a steadfast relationship with his military working dog Rex. I had alot of buddies from K9 school that were stationed in Thailand. list all USAF, USN, USA, All Rights Reserrved. This refers to MWDs whosespeed, strength, and bite are a cut above the rest. determine its cause. Our units responsibility was to protect the Tay Ninh Base Camp, and especially the ammunition dump. Enemy return fire hit Throneburg in the shoulder and Nemo in the snout. Military veterinarians launched an Air Base Defense the working dog program and led to 250 canine Langley decided to do something about it. The war dog association believes that as many as 4,900 dogs served in Vietnam but records from the early years of the war are incomplete so it is impossible to say for certain. format. Many more followed, with the U.S. Air Force sentry force in Southeast Asia peaking in early 1967 at nearly 500 dogs. The list also specifies the dogs that were returned in These teams didnt wait to be ambushed. Eventually, almost all of the 4,000 guard dogs were turned over to the South Vietnamese when the U.S. forces pulled out of Vietnam. Thailand from 1960-1975, - Box cutters History, Natural Handlers attend a three-month training program at Joint Base SA-Lackland to learn dog-handling procedures. In mid-1968 an epizootic occurred which threatened the working dog program and led to 250 canine deaths. It was launched two days after a successful Viet Cong attack (July 1, 1965) on Da Nang AB Air Base. August is National Dog Month in the United States, so in this episode we salute the four-legged warriors who helped us fight the war in Vietnam, saving an estimated 10,000 American lives. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 113 likes. share a common bond. By the time the handler comes to clean it, the MWD has painted the kennel with feces. Old Dawgs Supporting Young Pups, Bulletin Boards: Hear him talk about the training and duties of sentry dogs, and about working with Duke to secure one of the largest ammunition dumps in the world at Long Binh. These dogs are credited with saving more than 10,000 lives. It was awful, it was a terrible thing to have happen to them, he said as he shook his head. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. According to Dogs in History, only about 200 of the more than 4,000 dogs who served in Vietnam made it out. military working dogs as sentries, scouts, trackers, and mine detectors in Vietnam. dogs? In Vietnam, American forces used dogs for everything from base security to detecting ambushes to hunting down fleeing enemy units. Their keen senses, learning ability, endurance & devotion have made them invaluable companions. George, I remember you today as well as I did when I met you at Lackland AFB, Tx when we were on our way to Viet Nam. Nemo is one of the most famous dogs in history. is an association for USAF Stormys first master was Ron Aiello, President Special Note to Post Vietnam Personnel: During the 1980s, The U.S. Army changed the MOS code structure. The next several days we spent out in the bush hiding out and staying out of the clutches of the VC. Bill was the first SEAL to handle Dogs in SEAL Team. ehrlichiosis and related diseases requires: Sentry dog teams were deployed as the first line of defense guarding American base camps day and night. 18 February 1969. I am adding Army sentry dog handlers and dogs to This is when a military working dog runs and hits a decoyso hardthat the decoy ends up dazed and confused on the ground, and handlers watching are more than likely laughing their butts off. Click here for frequently asked questions regarding items permitted inside the museum. Total: 37 12th SPS (Cam Ranh Bay & Phu Cat) Read More: 14th SPS (Nha Trang) Read More Their duties were widespread - scout, sentry, patrol, mine and booby-trap detection, water and combat. The gun ships and choppers were firing at everything that moved. Complete Lists of The Labradors, with their amazing noses, went straight to tracker training. Weapons are not permitted including pocket knives and firearms, to include conceal carry and other dangerous weapons. The 22-year-old received the Silver Star, for sounding the initial alarm that an enemy attack was under way, and the Purple Heart, both posthumously. Veterinarians, Adopting Dogs The only thing that would make him happier is if he could have brought Prince home himself. To conduct a proper detection search, all handlers are taught the inverted V method in which the dog detects low, then high, then low again. After 11 months and 27 days as an Air Force dog handler in Vietnam, Langley and Vogie parted company. Vietnam Under PROJECT TOP DOG 145, the U.S. Air Force sent 40 sentry dogs and 40 handlers to South Vietnam in the summer of 1965. Unfortunately, some MWDs like to play with it and spread it every where they can. (LogOut/ problem among military working dogs. An official website of the United States government, National Museum of the United States Air Force. They werent interested in us, they wanted to knock out our planes and helicopters with satchel charges, mortars or 122 millimeter rockets, he said. These dogs and their handlers are credited with saving more than 10,000 U.S. lives (imagine The Wall with 10,000 more names inscribed on it) and preventing certain injury for countless more. "I would wager that 90 percent of American combat troops killed in action during the Vietnam War never saw their killers. extensive effort to control this disease and to Officer '66-'67, Steve Janeke & Sentry Dog Kobuc X448 Base Defense of Vietnam - Thailand, Between the years 1964 and 1973, America had deployed an estimated 4,000 war dogs and 10,000 handlers to help defend South Vietnam from invasion from North Vietnam. Deadly Disease for Military Working Dogs in SEA Faced with the very real threat posed by Viet Cong sappers infiltrating USAF bases in Vietnam and sabotaging multi-million dollar aircraft with grenades and satchel charges, the Air Force's. When a dog team arrived at its post usually just a path around a camp, ammo dump, or airfield it performed a changeover. The handler changed the dogs choke-chain collar to his leather now its time to work collar.