Get acquainted with upcoming games while also receiving in-depth information about evergreen ones. If you want to be efficient (otherwise skip to Ground War pargraph):Always have a launcher equipped as your secondary, use Cold Blooded for Perk 1, and Spotter for Perk 3. We have scanned the file and URLs associated . . Hitting a moving target at a distance with a rocket can be a difficult challenge when it comes to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare,as players sometimes spenda lot of time trying to perfect the shot, only to miss or get gunned down while aiming. Headquarters is pretty simple. Camo progress now looks like this (except your numbers for Splinter should be much higher this screenshot was before they made it easy): Reply. Primary. This means aiming ahead of where the target currently is. Download Now Visit Site This means players can either rush objectives, hoping to earn a double or triple kill, or camp sight lines and hold down certain areas of the map for extended periods. Around ~70-100 kills you should have the Reptile (50 kills with Amped) challenges unlocked so on your way to Level 31 this camo will be pretty much done as well. -- Fight the DOOM with Call of Duty weapons. Here's how to level each weapon in this category, as well as the camo awards for doing so. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Weapons like launchers or melee armaments only have. I have the same problem and I know it may sound stupid but I haven't figured out how to use the grenade / rocket launcher on the exo suit, all I have is the railgun ! Modern Warfare 2 includes several base weapon camo challenges, but the most sought after are the four Completionist mastery camos. For example, there are eight SMGs in the game, so you need to earn Gold camos on 8 SMGs to unlock the Platinum challenges. As you level up each weapon, youll unlock various base weapon challenges. Overall, the RPG-7 makes for a well-balanced launcher in Modern Warfare 2 for speed and damage. Call of Duty Modern Warfare is easily one of the most popular FPS games and is a reboot of the Modern Warfare sub-series which by itself was a starting point for many gamers. It doesn't have too many notable drawbacks, but it also lacks the explosion radius of something like the JOKR or RPG-7. Because this perk lets you spot enemy equipment and also gives field upgrades. Kill him and take his weapons. To unlock Gold Camo for the JOKR launcher, players will need to earn two kills without dying 10 times, double the amount of all other Launchers' Gold Camo requirements. Again, these can be mixed and matched with base weapons and post-launch guns, so youve got plenty of freedom with how you choose to earn the camos, especially as more weapons are added. Here we have mentioned all the fastest ways to Level Up Rocket Launchers in COD MW2. Since launchers in Modern Warfare II take time to reload between shots, players will have to kill two players with a single rocket to unlock this camo. If I'm out of ammo and not doing anything significant for my team like the last one holding HQ I'll force a respawn to restock.Anything other than Support Streaks is a lesser priority at this point and I wouldn't go out of my way to take down something like a VTOL since you should have Cold-Blooded equiped. *Earn defender awards with launcher kills. This challenge requires you to get a specific number of kills without dying for a specific number of times. Once you have leveled up your Launchers in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, you should be ready to go for the camo challenges for these weapons. Ensure that the second controller is also turned off. Use a Riot Shield to block your back and/or in case of emergencies. Since this Launcher leans heavily toward splash damage against enemy players, reaching weapon rank 11 and meeting the kill requirement for this camo can be achieved without the aid of XP-granting equipment and field upgrades like Decoy Grenades or DDOS attacks. To unlock the Platinum mastery challenge, you need to complete the Gold camo challenges for all the weapons in the same weapon class. 1. At least, that's how it works for. Again, players will find the most success playing objective game modes and pouncing on busy teamfights in and around enemy objectives. The BEST Way to Get Platinum Launchers in Modern Warfare 2 MaySeaOh 38K views 1 month ago SOLO M13B - The #1 Strategy for Solo MW2 DMZ SirKnoe 163K views 1 month ago UNLOCKING PLATINUM. To unlock Gold Camo for the PILA, players need to earn two kills without dying five times. It was met with mass approval and excitement from players. You'll find Ruckus there. Added Jan 29th, 2021. This should help players earn the 40 kills to unlock the base camo, and will help them progress with the camo challenges that come afterwards. Privacy Policy Update Then select the WarefareModern.exe in "RiverTuner" and set the application detection level to medium and type 160 into the frame limit. So, basically, you will have to grind and grind, and grind again until you reach level 11. Zombies The Zombies team has plenty of new updates scheduled throughout Season One, including two new Zombies modes, new weapon support, Season Challenges, Daily Challenges, Zombies-specific . There are different camos for each weapon, but for the M4, these are the base options: Make sure to check the Gunsmith, then visit the Customize tab to see the camos and their challenges for any weapon. Follow the on-screen command to make a new Weapon Mod out of your custom-crafted weapon, name your creation, and hit save. We eat, sleep, breathe gaming and we'll keep you updated with the latest right here! You can still play Modern Warfare all the same, but you'll need to launch Warzone first and select the rightmost option for Campaign, Multiplayer, or Spec Ops. Careful use of vantage points and cover will be necessary to ensure players aren't picked off during the attempt, though. Set . Tactical. Proceed to fire :). What the big difference on cod mw2 speedrun mod. Whenever an UAV, Counter UAV, or a Recon Drone comes up, you want to prioritize taking it down because this is how you progress all 6 challenges at the same time. Continue this until Tiger (50 Support Streaks) is complete. Please read the following rules before commenting: Save my nickname and email in this browser for the next time I comment. The RPG is the best launcher for getting infantry kills. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get the gold rocket launcher in Modern Warfare 2. Simply earning Polyatomic on 51 weapons gives you access to Orion on all weapons that support it. How To Change Armor Appearance And Hide Items In Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty How to drop Items, How to Find Order Members in Roblox Arcane Odyssey. Equip smoke grenade, smoke out your side of mid use infrared on the JOKR and spam enemy side of mid. Domination is the same concept but people aren't funneling into a single objective anymore so you need to be creative and have good game sense. Unlocking Fender's base skin in Modern Warfare 2 is a straightforward process. Any XP earned by the player while a weapon is equipped counts towards that weapon's rank progression, so using equipment and field upgrades that earn XP, like the DDOS, Suppression Mine and Decoy Grenade, can help players rank up their launchers quickly. This is all you need to know about how you can Level Up Launchers by using the fastest ways In COD Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). At some point since the launch of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Activision has made the call to overwrite Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's PC version with Call of Duty: Warzone.The free-to-play battle royale rendition of the popular shooter has become a smash hit, growing into a competitor to Fortnite and Apex Legends in the space of live-service shooters., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. To unlock Fender's base skin in Modern Warfare 2, you need to use one of the four rocket launchers and get two player kills with them. In many ways, the actual difficulty of earning these camos is much easier this time around, but theres a lot you need to be aware of. To get started and view the camo challenges, you'll want to choose a weapon, select the Gunsmith, and tab over to the Customize section. I'd consider the PILA to be the launcher of all trades. The images posted to Reddit show the proper aiming spot for taking down UAVs and other aerial targets. Expect a massive calendar of free content post-launch featuring evolving gameplay with new maps, modes, seasonal events, community celebrations and more. All of the launchers, except the STRINGER, can be used against ground targets as well. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. vvtra 3 yr. ago. For Dark Leaves, you need to earn 10 double-kills, and for Urban Renewal, you need to secure 15 eliminations from behind. Official workaround: Initiate a "Scan and Repair" via the application or fully re-install the game. It is one of the launchers available in the game. GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. This launcher is specially used to lock the target and then fire the rocket. For a similarly named assault rifle, see AE4. You just unlocked your beautiful golden camo. S.E. To unlock the PILA Launcher's Platinum Camo, players will have to destroy 15 enemy killstreaks, equipment pieces or vehicles, the second largest Platinum Camo requirement in the Launcher category. Once you join the match all you have to do is look for the enemys UAV invading the sky. Weapons like launchers or melee armaments only have one base camo since you cant apply attachments to them. All you need to do is use one of the four rocket launchers and get two player kills with them. Considering that it has lock-on capabilities, it is strongly advised. To unlock the Dead Leaves camo, players must first reach weapon rank 11 with the launcher then earn 40 kills with it. It was cut from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. a game by: Infinity Ward, Inc. With the JOKR being a highly unconventional weapon, players will have to hope for a bit of luck while trying to complete this camo challenge. There are no additional . To unlock Polyatomic Camo for the JOKR launcher, players will have to earn 15 double kills. There are four Launchers in the game: PILA, Strela-P, JOKR, and RPG-7, and each features one base camo challenge and four mastery camo challenges. So, if you only earn Gold on seven of the eight SMGs in the game, but then earn one more Gold camo on a new DLC weapon, youll still gain access to the Platinum challenges. To unlock Polyatomic Camo for the PILA launcher, players need to earn 15 double kills with the weapon. How To Enable Youtube Channel Monetization In 2022 (Guide), Assassins Creed Valhalla Trailer Out, Optimized for Xbox, You Can Now Play As Snoop Dogg In NHL 20 Starting Today, 10 Best Point & Click Games To Play (2023). Players will find the most success pursuing this camo challenge by playing safely and slowly, holding down hallways and objective points from a distance, as the PILA does not have massive splash damage and takes a long time to reload. The . It makes up for this by having an incredibly fast projectile speed for its rockets, and it deals high rates of damage to player vehicles. Browse our network 9 . #6. These are short 6v6 games in which you have to kill opponents and collect their dog tags. - Custom badges next to your name in comments and live chat- Custom emoji to use in comments and live chat*JOIN HERE* on Instagram for any questions! There are a maximum of four base camo challenges for each Gunsmithable weapon in the game, and you'll get access to these camo challenges as you level up the weapon. Comments are on moderation and will be approved in a timely manner. Included are the ADS reloads and weapon inspections. NEXT: Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 - How To Get Your Custom Loadout In-Game, Modern Warfare II: How To Level Up Launchers, Modern Warfare 2: Tips And Tricks For Beginners, carefully consider the primary weapon for their loadout, Warzone 2.0 / MW2: Best Assault Rifles Tier List, Modern Warfare II's variety of multiplayer maps, Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 - How To Get Your Custom Loadout In-Game. After earning Polyatomic camos on 51 weapons in the game, youll gain access to the Orion camo and for this, you dont need to complete any additional challenges. The products discussed here were independently chosen by our editors. And like Xerodragonx19 said you listen for the tone after the beeping stops then fire at whatever your target is. Foremost, the term rocket launcher is pretty ambiguous. To unlock the Polyatomic mastery challenge, you need to complete 51 Platinum mastery challenges. Buy Game Visit Site Purchase Now For PS4 & XBOX One Get PS5, Xbox Series X|S Upgrade at No Additional Cost! Unable to access graphics options Graphics options may be inaccessible to some. What this means is that you dont actually need to earn Gold in all the weapons in a particular category, as more guns will come to the game after launch. If you have any MW2 questions let me know in the comments and I'll do my best to help you out. That can be somewhat overwhelming for those new to the franchise so this guide. Players should always aim ahead of their target, and when possible, try and aim slightly off of the expected impact point. After doing that simply complete the base challenge which is given at Level 11. Try to aim the rocket so that it launches into a ceiling in front of you. None of the Launchers currently have attachments that can be unlocked by leveling them, reducing the amount of active consideration players need to give these weapons compared to the highly customizable firearms in the other weapon categories. Another way to get all the XP you can is by killing the bots in the game. Here's how you unlock Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's most sought-after camos. If you're finding it frustrating to complete these challenges, you can always ask for help from your opponents via text chat. So if you come across close combat then dont hesitate to give the enemy a piece of this huge machine. It requires dedication and skill to complete the challenges, but the rewards are well worth the effort. You will need to have. This comprehensive process allows us to set a status for any downloadable file as follows:. *Earn attacker awards with launcher kills. Orion is the final mastery camo in Modern Warfare 2, and in order to unlock the camo, you need to first unlock Polyatomic on at least 51 weapons. So once you lock a target and simply shoot the launcher anywhere, itll attack its target anyway. Or do this in any other location. The RPG-7 is an ideal option as it is a free-fire weapon, meaning you can fire without having to lock in a target. For example, the .50 GS pistol's base challenges unlock at levels 2, 10, 18, and 26, while the M4 assault rifle's base challenges unlock at 2, 8, 13, and 19. You have just successfully locked on and shot. MW2 Orion mastery camo. To unlock Platinum Camo for the RPG-7, players will need to destroy 10 enemy killstreaks, vehicles or equipment pieces. So your Launcher camo progress starts off like this:, To looking like: Learn More The Software License and Service Agreement will be updated. Call of Duty: Ghosts ushers in the next generation of the franchise, delivering a riveting all-new gameplay experienc Is there a way to quick lock on enemies in multiplayer like when you play the regular game? Proceed to fire :) Look down the sights, wait for the two beeps and then the held tone, press right trigger. Check out the updated content at the end of this post. The amount needed varies between guns, but the overall challenge is always the same here. With the RPG-7's increased focus on anti-infantry play, players will find greater success by targeting enemies on foot and their ground-based equipment. You can view and edit Weapon Mods at the bottom of the Weapons menu, where you can also see blueprints you may have received during your Modern Warfare experience. Orion is the final mastery camo in Modern Warfare 2, and in order to unlock the camo, you need to first unlock Polyatomic on at least 51 weapons. To earn multiple kills in a single life, it's vital to make use of the devastating area damage this Launcher offers, and to learn and practise angles that best suit its unusual firing method. GamerTweak is where passionate gamers like you will find everything they need to know about video games - new and old. Crowns Eye DMZ Mission Guide Building 21 Core Room Location, How to complete For Whom the Clock Tower Tolls in Octopath Traveler 2, Octopath Traveler 2 Scent of Commerce in Winterbloom Side Story Walkthrough, First and foremost, go to your Quick Play filter and deselect every game mode except, Another easy way to earn XP is by playing, All comments must be on topic and add something of substance to the post, Do not attempt to start a poll in the comments, We reserve the right to remove a comment for any reason, Do not impersonate a staff member or influencer. Stay tuned to Pro Game Guides for more Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 content. It's a tall order, including primary and secondary weapons alike. Copyright 2023 Pro Game Guides. Fire at the Hardpoint whenever you spawn. Basically you're spending time maxing out the launcher while completing the first 3 challenges: Spray Paint (125 kills), Woodland (40 Attacker kills), and Digital (40 Defender kills). For instance, the M4 gives you access to each of its base camo challenges at levels 2, 8, 13, and 19. The best launcher in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is the JOKR for several reasons. This detonates the rocket much earlier, making it a lot easier to get kills. To unlock Polyatomic challenges, you need to earn Platinum camos on 51 weapons in the game. This will allow them to rush or camp these zones, and probably earn double and triple kills as enemy players push to control the objectives. Shoot only at the rocket motors with gun and rockets, the cone shaped things at the bottom of the rocket. Lethal. You're browsing GameFAQs Q&A as a guest. Hadir: Give Farah the plans. Explosive damage delays enemy . In Black Ops II however, there is a minimum distance. How to Earn Sweet Rewards Doing 'Warzone 2.0' Data Heist Public Events, How to Complete the Search and Seizure Contract in 'Warzone 2.0', How to Get the Best Melee Weapon in 'Atomic Heart' and Which Upgrades to Pick. The Polyatomic mastery challenge works just like the Platinum challenge. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Call of Duty: Warzone2.0 Play Free Now The new era of call of duty is here! When you hear the tone after the beeping you've locked on. These hefty weapons slow player movement considerably when equipped, so players will have to carefully consider the primary weapon for their loadout when working towards Launcher challenges and level progression in multiplayer. Classic - Get three kills without dying 20 times with all kills coming from the launcher. The Santa Sena Border Crossing map, for instance, is packed with cars that can explode and kill players. The camo challenges themselves are much easier this time around than in previous entries. The veteran players have already started the grind to level up and unlock all the attachments they can. Compared to other weapon categories such as Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles, this class can be more difficult to rank up. The latest update to Season Six in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare brought the JAK-12, . #MW2 #COD #ModernWarfare2How To Get PLATINUM LAUNCHERS in Modern Warfare 2 (FASTEST and EASIEST WAY)** DONATE DIRECTLY TO ARBUCKLE HERE! These will be challenges like getting a certain number of longshots or mounted kills. I did this for my This map can also assist players in unlocking the additional camo challenges for the JOKR, as this Launcher's challenges are somewhat different from the others in the same category. After youve unlocked the base camos, youll likely want to start grinding toward the completionist camos of which there are four: To earn Gold camo for a weapon, you need to first unlock all four base camos first. To unlock the STRELA-P's Gold Camo, players need to earn two kills without dying five times. Get the squad together for the Black Ops Cold War debuts of Prop Hunt and Combined Arms: Hardpoint, which you learn all about at the Call of Duty Blog. For more Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, . Eighteen can be unlocked during the Modern Warfare II pre-season. You can read more about call of duty bo3 here and get the latest updates. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare might not actually be a particularly authentic representation of what warfare is like, but it's hard to deny the tools you get throughout the game can be fun to. You need to destroy 10 with the. Jump from the Battle Bus and land near Slurpy Swamp. https://streamelem. How to get all the Camos for Launchers in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Base camo: This challenge for each Launcher can be accessed after you've ranked up that weapon to level 11. Oh yes, the gold camo. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II . So that's 4 down with 1 stone. me on Twitter for future updates! Thermite or Semtex - Does more damage to vehicles while you replenish rocket ammo. The Platinum challenge will be the same for all weapons of the same class, but vary from class to class. He loves story-driven narratives but also spends ample time in the battlefields of varying Call of Duty titles. One Modern Warfarefan has found the sweet spot, and is now sharing their informative photo with the game's community. Click the bell icon to be notified when a new video goes live Click the thumbs up icon if you liked the streamIn this video, I show you how to get the PLATINUM launchers in Modern Warfare 2. To unlock Platinum Camo for the STRELA-P, players will have to destroy 25 enemy vehicles, killstreaks or equipment pieces, the largest Platinum Camo requirement in the Launcher category. The game is powered by a new engine, enabling high tier graphics. So, now that you have been briefed, go ahead and fulfil your golden camo destiny, soldier. By playing methodically and focusing on enemy-held objectives, acquiring 15 double kills for this challenge should come naturally before very long. As soon as you hit Level 31, switch to the next launcher as you don't want to waste the time on the XP token. All Rights Reserved. Objective game modes in the Tier 1. Tips to level up Launchers fast in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 First and foremost, go to your Quick Play filter and deselect every game mode except Kill Confirmed. MORE Aggressive. Because guns are relatively easy to level up in the game. A lover of RPGs, Board Games, and Storytelling Joshua is a gamer to the core. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is the first-person shooter that dominated the genre going forward, generating loyal franchise fans with its explosive action. Stripes - Destroy 50 equipment, scorestreaks or vehicles. There are 35 primary weapons and 10 secondary weapons in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and each weapon feels unique. Call of Duty: Vanguard After beating the gold challenge, congratulations! The M203 Grenade Launcher has been around in the Call of Duty games for a while and is returning to Modern Warfare II. This is where you can view camos, stickers, and weapon charms for customizing your weapons. One slight miscalculation can cause the rocket to miss completely by overshooting the target or falling behind. The mastery camos look really stunning this year, and our guide will walk you through the steps needed to unlock these coveted weapon camos. This bounty isn't too difficult by itself, but it can get a little tedious with him firing rockets at you the entire time. Destroy Vehicles Once you have completed all of the base camo challenges for a specific weapon, you will unlock your first mastery challenge, which is for the Gold camo. Mw3 Launcher is a small application that will patch Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and allow you to play in multiplayer without launching the Steam client. The spawn timer is humorously low where by the time you destroy 2 groups (5-6 vehicles) and the first one you blew up should be respawning. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is now available, and as always with a new Call of Duty game, there is a new camo grind to pursue. RELATED: Modern Warfare 2: Tips And Tricks For Beginners. Similar to the PILA and STRELA-P launchers, objective game modes that see both teams fighting and bunching close together over specific points on the map will yield the best results for earning kills. Sit back as far as you can while keeping line of sight on the HQ, lock on and shoot. Weapons that lock on are the AT-4, the Stinger, and the Javelin. on November 1, 2022 at 1:44PM PDT. This is a much more simplified version of the mastery camo challenge grind that we've seen in recent years, so this shouldn't be a huge struggle to reach the Orion camos. Get Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II today and immerse yourself in its action-packed Campaign, Multiplayer, and Special Ops Modes. As a result, players looking to unlock the JOKR's camos will have to be picky with which of Modern Warfare II's variety of multiplayer maps and game modes they queue up for. So to save money, they just put it out on the Blizzard launcher (Battle .net) instead of having to pay Steam to sell it here and they keep a part of the profits. The JOKR launcher is a weapon featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Keep in mind that the kills don't have to be in a single life or round, so even if you die after firing all of your rockets, you can still get a fresh launch full of rockets. All rights reserved. While your 2XP Weapon tokens are active, you want to focus only on getting kills. Some people might have gotten offended when I said using your 2XP Weapon tokens on anything other than Launchers, Melee, and maybe Snipers/DMRs is a waste.