city of phoenix non permitted construction

Balcony: An exterior platform that projects from or into the facade of a building and is surrounded by a railing, handrail, or parapet. PosterA sign of from 76 to 300 square feet plus 20% embellishments for a total not to exceed 350 square feet. Mobile Food Vendor: Mobile food vendor: a person who sells, serves, offers for sale, or gives away only food from a mobile food vending unit which is parked or located on a parcel of private property. Use Permit: An authorization to conduct a use or activity when such authorization is required by this ordinance and when established according to the procedures in Section 307. Interim Vacant Land Uses: Neighborhood pocket park, demonstration garden, public playground, meditation garden, public art display and similar uses are allowed uses for vacant property. Drive-In Theater: An open-air theater designed for viewing by the audience from motor vehicles. Preservation Area: See "Conservation Area". No. No. No. Aesthetic: The perception of artistic elements or elements in the natural or created environment that are pleasing to the eye. A hotel shall contain rooming units and shall customarily provide housekeeping, bellhop, laundry, and on site recreation services. No. G-4545, 2003; Ord. For purposes of computing required parking, the tenant leasable area shall not be less than eighty percent (80%) of the total floor area of the center. Wireless Communication Facility, Equipment Enclosure: A tract or area of land enclosed by a solid wall that contains one or more Wireless Communication Facility antennas, their associated equipment shelters and other equipment associated with and ancillary to wireless communication. Planters or planting areas separating the structure from the paved areas; 3. After-Hours-Construction-Noise-Complaints. Screening may include one or a combination of the following materials of sufficient mass to be opaque or which shall become opaque after twelve (12) months and which shall be maintained in an opaque condition: Walls, berms, or plantings. G-6304, 2017; Ord. No. No. Construction including erection, excavation, demolition, alteration or repair of any building within 500 feet of any inhabited structure, other than between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. from May 1 to and including September 30 and between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. beginning October 1 and including April 30 on non-holiday weekdays. City Of Phoenix by the Superintendent of the Housing Services Division, or any building, structure or lot which is in such a condition as to constitute an imminent danger of fire, as determined by the Fire Marshal, shall constitute a public nuisance, subject to summary abatement, through Structure: That which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner and placed upon or attached to the ground. Use: The purpose for which a building, lot, sign, or other structure is arranged, intended, designed, occupied or maintained. Contractors Yard: An establishment used for the outdoor repair, maintenance or storage of construction vehicles, equipment or materials owned by the establishment. Latest News: Web: https:/ Social: @CityofPhoenixAZ on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram 24/7 Live and on-demand programming: Permitted land uses for this property include single-family and . Parking Structure: A parking garage located above ground or underground consisting of one or more levels, that may or may not include other primary or accessory uses. 2. Residential Density: The number of dwelling units divided by the gross acres of the legally described development area. Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; 2. Resource Based Revegetation: The process of reestablishing indigenous vegetation based on an inventory of established plants. Accessible Dwelling Unit: A dwelling unit designed to be approached, entered, and used by persons with disabilities. Junkyard: The use of a lot or portion thereof for the storage, keeping, or abandonment of junk, dismantled automobiles, or other vehicles, or machinery, or parts thereof, including scrap metals, rags, or other scrap materials. G-4264, 2000; Ord. G-6592, 2019; Ord. Roof, Hip: A roof with sloping ends and sides. Community Garden: A private or public facility for the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants by more than one person. Sign, Double-Faced: A sign composed of two parallel faces, back to back and not more than five feet apart. Architectural Details: Materials, shapes, or forms that are integrally related to the architectural expression of structures on the same lot or parcel, or in the vicinity. No. Less than completely and opaquely covered: (a) Human genitals, pubic region, (b) buttock, and (c) female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola; and Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered. Optical Illusion of Sign Movement: A static design which presents a pattern capable of reversible perspective, giving the illusion of motion or changing of copy. The area of any double-face or "V" shaped sign shall be the area of the largest single face. The replacing or repairing of a sign or sign structure or the repainting of a painted wall sign when fifty percent or more of the total area has been damaged or is to be renovated, as determined by the Building Official, shall not be considered maintenance. G-3731, 1994; Ord. All customer service shall be confined to the physical limits of the snack bar. Direct Access to Off-Street Parking: The provisions of direct access, without the necessity of using the public sidewalk, between the building and an off-street parking facility either within the building or adjacent to it. Which is clearly associated or related to the use of the main building, other structure, or use of land, and 2. Recyclable Materials: Any item that can be recycled through an industrial or organic process. 5^n'r8R2o[ Zf)B,H(z+X`/j95^ G-4041, 1997; Ord. Acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse, or sodomy; 3. No. Sign, Center Identification: Any sign which identifies a shopping center, industrial center, or office center, or a group of three or more uses or businesses by name, address, or symbol. When lots adjoin two or more streets with an equal amount of pedestrian activity, both are front streets. Merchandise which is included in a window display shall not be considered as part of a window sign. Veterinary Office: An office maintained by a licensed doctor of veterinary medicine for the treatment and care of small animals, namely the usual household pets and other animals of a similar size and nature but not livestock. G-5874, 2013; Ord. Wireless Communication Facility, Co-Located: A facility owned by one or more wireless communication service providers that is attached to a facility or site owned by a different wireless communication service provider. The C-2, Commercial Intermediate District, is a district of commercial uses of medium intensity designed to be compatible with each other and to provide for a wide range of types of commercial activity within the district. (1) When not prohibited by Section 31-13 of the City Code, fences or freestanding walls up to ten (10) feet in height may be built around schools and other public or quasipublic institutions when necessary for the safety or restraint of the occupants thereof. Tobacco Oriented Retailer: An establishment engaged in the sale and/or display of tobacco related products, including, but not limited to: cigarettes, chewing and dipping tobacco, cigarette papers, electronic nicotine delivery system, or any other instrument or paraphernalia for the smoking or ingestion of tobacco and products prepared from tobacco. Fund-Raising Event: A special event conducted for the purpose of obtaining money for the religious and educational activities of nonprofit religious organizations or public agencies. EXTERNAL Rev. Wall, Retaining: A wall which supports or retains earth higher on one side than the other side. 3 Beds. All arterial streets provide for moderate to long distance traffic movement within Phoenix and between Phoenix and adjacent cities. G-5329, 2009; Ord. Developed Pedestrian Mall or Plaza: Spaces accessible from a street or from a parking area. Nude models or models where costuming is as described in paragraph 1 above. A convenience market may include sale of gasoline and packaged liquor. Phoenix, Arizona 85029 . Active Use: A specified land use which generates a higher number of pedestrian trips and human interaction which creates a more vibrant streetscape. G-4553, 2003; Ord. Outdoor Storage: An exterior space used for the stockpiling or placement of materials or goods for more than 48 consecutive hours. Sign, Canopy: Any sign placed directly upon or suspended from a canopy. Such structures and devices include, but are not limited to, directional antennas, such as panel antennas, microwave dishes and satellite dishes, and omni-directional (WHIP) antennas. Variance: A deviation from any term or standard contained in this ordinance and authorized according to the procedures in Section 307. Shade Tree: A tree, usually deciduous, planted primarily for overhead canopy and the diffusion of the suns rays. A basement, the ceiling of which is less than four feet six inches (4'6") above the natural grade, shall not be considered a story. 3. Sign, Aerial View: A sign applied to or placed upon a roof surface and intended to be viewed from above. In any residential district, any dwelling shall be deemed to be the main building of the lot on which the same is situated. Perimeter standards are defined and potential bonus density and design flexibility allow for quality individual property ownership within a larger development. A resort may contain dwelling units in conjunction with guest rooms. To report non-permitted construction, call 602.262.7884 or mailto: Non-Permitted Construction, Citations, Notice of ViolationsEnforcement Procedures, Non-Permitted Construction, Fee Waiver-Reduction Procedure, Non-Permitted Construction, Fee Waiver-Reduction Request, Non-Permitted Construction, NOV Release Procedure. No. The 2,553-square-foot house built in 1952 was listed last September for $12.95 million. No. Marijuana Establishment: Means an entity licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services to operate all of the following: 1. Civic Event: An event which is of civic or public benefit. Conference and Reception Center: A building or structure which houses one or more of the following: Cafeteria or dining room for employees or a related office complex, kitchen, ballroom, banquet room. Its primary purpose is to provide shelter in a family-like environment; treatment is incidental as in any home. Natural Features: Land formations which include elements such as natural drainageways, rock outcroppings or formations, and significant grouping of mature vegetation. Please see Section 647. Building Facade: The face or elevation of a building. No. Elevation, Structure: The exterior design of a structure showing features such as windows, doors, and relationship of grade to floor level. Adult Theater: An open-air drive-in theatre or an enclosed building open to the public, not including private guest quarters of hotels and motels: 1. G-3529, 1992; Ord. No. The terms and conditions of approval for remedial or corrective action conducted entirely on site and authorized by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality pursuant to Title 49 of the Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated; or, 2. G-3604, 1992; Ord. For permit history prior to 1995, visit Phoenix City Hall, 200 W. Washington Street, Phoenix AZ 85003, 3rd floor, P&D Records Food and beverages dispensed from booths located on site is permitted as an accessory use. wind or gravity. For purposes of this ordinance, the "height" of a retaining wall is the maximum vertical dimension of the wall measured from the top of the footing to the top or the retaining wall. An application for a permit may be made at the Community Development Department, Permit Counter, located in City Hall at 31 E. 5th Street, Garden Level, East side. G-4840, 2006; Ord.