Add Home Assistant and Node-RED InfluxDB data sources in Grafana. It tells me that its syntactically correct, but returns no values. I initially used the glances container along with the plugin, but reverted to HA native sensors + some CLI sensors as the glances set up is significantly resource consuming. Youll need to expose the ports to Influx as well (although Im sure you did this, if you can access Grafana). Save the "configuration.yaml" file and restart the home assistant. Home Assistant basics what the heck are devices, entities, integrations and services. Hey Phil , sorry for my late answer i had a packed day and thank you for your time, By using that command i am unable to access grafana afterwards. Hi all, I'm using influxDB on a seperate container including grafana. I currently declared my energy sensors using the utility_meter . In the include section, Im specifying which sensors data I want to be sent to InfluxDB. You can set z-wave parameters from within Home Assistant. Afterwards we will connect it to Home Assistant. Generally, battery devices will send out their battery devices to the z-wave network once every 24 hours. Next, we can add InfluxDB to our docker-compose.yaml file so docker will run the image. Please be aware of the underlying InfluxDB mechanism that converts non-string attributes to strings and adds a _str suffix to the attribute name in this case. We can configure Home Assistant to write data for some (or all) devices to this new database. The battery sensor or the Grafana charts? Theres also some great options to setup alerts. Under the retention policy setting, you can edit the Duration for which InfluxDB will hold data. Press the + button next to the entity_id to add to the query. Once influxdb.yaml is saved, we can add it to the main Home Assistant config like so. First, theres heaps of types of data we can graph now: Now we can take a look at this data over longer periods, for fun and potentially to save money. Which is Grafana. Wait about a minute for the container to start, then open a web browser and point it to (replace with your IP). theyre zwave devices. All that is left to do is to tweak this a bit, by assigning a title to the panel and saving the dashboard by clicking the "Save" button on the top-right corner. [emailprotected]:~#. Anyone knows how can I do that ? In the InfluxDB data source, the legacy variable $interval is the same variable. This is a lot more tables compared to 1.xx queries, where you essentially had one table per unit_of_measurement across all entities. Basically if you have sensors who only occasionally update your graphs might be empty because Grafana is not able to just display the latest value. Any advise would be appreciated as to where i am going wrong, would be of help. I've got 6 Aeotec 6 Multisensors that are reporting in 5 sec intervals. In the former Grafana version that way worked for me. InfluxDB - Home Assistant Community Add-ons. But I just found out something: I have no clue where I could actually check the bucket size :-D I guess that info could come in handy Great write up. unit_of_measurement: % The example configuration entry below create two request to your local InfluxDB instance, one to the database db1, the other to db2: Note that when working with Flux queries, the resultset is broken into tables, you can see how this works in the Data Explorer of the UI. let me know if that works for you. Im a total dunce when it comes to CLI commands! Ive just found this thread and was happy, because it could solve an issue Im currently facing, but I stumbled upon something. Also check the username and password for influxdb. Once youve run that query, a new database will have been created for Home Assistant to use. It exposes an HTTP API for client interaction and is often used in combination with Grafana to visualize the data. Section 8 - Configure Grafana to retrieve data from InfluxDB. I want to include everything and keep it forever there, waiting to be visualized or something. Adding data sources is not hard - just click on the "Add data source" icon and then choose InfluxDB. (Configure Filter). Because of the amount of data Home Assistant is collecting, storing that data can become quite cumbersome. Choose your favorite one and we can query for the data stored for that measurement. So, if youre using Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi, you could have InfluxDB running on a PC or NAS thats always on. Influx had big breaking changes from v1 to v2, so I'm personally avoiding the latest tag. Todays article looks at a time series database called InfuxDB that Home Assistant can use to store all your sensor data in a database. State object attribute(s) to use as measurement name. I copied the following docker run command: docker run -d Recreating the database seems to have got it working, but Ive now lost all the history am I missing something with ensuring persistence of data here?? To test that InfluxDB is working correctly and the database was created we can use its REST API. The list of attribute names to ignore when reporting to InfluxDB. # Ensure the version matches your InfluxDB instance. I'll be assuming that you've got HA running already and configured with some sensors and whatnot. Then try and start Grafana manually and see if theres any errors in the console that might lead you to where the problem is. So, choose your username and password. The list of domains to be included in recording to InfluxDB. Your query should not begin or end with a pipe (|>). Lets break down the setup into separate steps for creating the database and then hooking it up to Home Assistant. However if there are entries, then you have just verified that your configuration is valid and you're doing OK so far. Once I have these in Home Assistant, its easy to get the value into Grafana and InfluxDB. Another option to display data is Singlestat. Watch on. Then use the new sensor.sonos_volume in your Grafana instance. Anyway of showing as a correct percentage? This can take on boolean values false or true. This is optional, but highly recommended. Include all entities matching a listed pattern. due to host mode in Home Assistant) you can use this neat code: This will forward the port 8086 from the container to the host but only for the IP address which is localhost. If provided, this will add a filter to the end of your query like this {group_function}(column: "_value"). InfluxDB 2.0 - Complete Guide to Getting Started with InfluxDB 2. USE "homeassistant"; DELETE FROM "C " WHERE "entity_id" = 'tasmota_analog_temperature_2' AND time < '2021-04-04', Here is an additional link explaining some concepts: InfluxDB. I . When I execute the command, Im getting the following result: But after that, the entity is gone. Hi, as many others (searched the forum, few requests with different information but all without a solution) I struggle to successfully define an InfluxDB sensor to be used in Home Assistant. 2018-01-24 15:01:22,767 INFO exited: grafana (exit status 1; not expected) Try opening the webpage for Influx and creating a query. Your Grafana instance is now configured to retrieve and display data from InfluxDB. All others rely on community effort. It exposes an HTTP API for client interaction and if often used in combination with Grafana to visualize the data. Just as I'm typing this, maybe it is possible to fit an array of values in a sensor entity and use that to create a historic graph in HA. It made the queries way more intuitive because I can use it as my first filter. Of course these are just some ideas Ive had. In the next blog post, Ill detail how we can use Grafanato further visualize the data, rather than using command line queries. Needed with token configuration variable. These files can get pretty big over time, so well want to keep our long-term data somewhere else. that makes it worse , grafana is then unable to connect to influxDB, When using the gui i noticed that no volumes are mapped i added them again via the gui but that didnt solve the issue either. {% endif %}' If so, just use the same as above, but switch out the name to the new sensor in the value_template. The second part is the interface. Here's an example: Also you can add this sensor to home assistant to see the size of your database and if it is growing: - platform: influxdb host: a0d7b954-influxdb port: 8086 username: homeassistant password: !secret influxdb_pssword queries: - name . philhawthorne/docker-influxdb-grafana:latest. Using MQTT, the power and energy generation data from Huawei's FusionSolar Kiosk can be fed into Home . Fortunately there is a much much better tool out there (and it is for free): Grafana. Once your query is built and you see the results in the upper part of the screen, locate and click the "Script Editor" button that's just to the left of the "Submit" button, that you clicked one step before. You might be able to use custom_ui or something to put an iframe inside Home Assistant, and then grab the URL for the graph from inside Graphana. In my entry sensor example above, I would choose binary_sensor.entry_motion_227. Defines the data selection clause (the where clause of the query). Maybe the second most important job is to give a good overview over the current state of your home. If a HA entity becomes stable and it has sense to collect its data, I include this entity to the DB configuration. Will check out your links, thanks! Im curious, how are you using this? For example, Im querying below for all the mph measurements (which were created using Dark Sky). Stuck on one thing though. Best to check the readme on the Github repo, but this should work for you now. Contribute to hassio-addons/addon-influxdb development by creating an account on GitHub. Once youve added this to your configuration, be sure to restart Home Assistant. Reduce the complexity until something . InfluxDB entity_id field in measurement field? The group function to be used. 2.xx only - List of sensors to expose in Home Assistant. USE "home_assistant"; DELETE FROM "kWh" WHERE ("entity_id" = "gas_daily") AND time > "2022-05-30 00:00:00" AND time < "2022-05-30 23:59:59", Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. In the past we could simply select entries and have a graph show up. Database host is not accessible due to 404: 404 page not found , please check your entries in the configuration file (host, port, etc.) With this Grafana is ready to be connected to InfluxDB so that you can start visualizing the data. You might be able to use a template sensor for that. Ok that makes sense. Latest versions of the container have disabled SSH. Ex. If you are looking for more details you can check out my other article about Grafana and OpenHab where I go into some more detail or install new panels/datasources/ from the Grafana plugin page. However we have a whole bunch of temperature sensors inside which we could add in. The bad news is thats not on the official Home Assistant repo yet. For example, if set to friendly_name, it will be possible to group by entities friendly names as well, in addition to their ids. Section 1 - Deploy InfluxDB 2.x in Docker. Go back to Synology Docker and open the "Registry" section again. Check the InfluxDB documentation on Home Assistant for the complete list of configuration., If I can get the actual value it would be already ok. Hi Phil thank you for this tutorial im using HA on DSM6. I have some good news and bad news for you. 2.xx only - Auth token with READ access to your chosen Organization and Bucket. Needed with organization configuration variable. Seems like a permission issue which I am not sure how to fix. I did it according to your proposal and indeed the upgrade went seamless. At the moment we'll be interested in the "Data" section which is third icon from the top on the left side of the GUI. Copy that string in a text file somewhere and make a note that it belongs to the HomeAssistant - Write token. API version to use. This will help to keep the config file clean, and means the integration config can easily be removed if required. 2018-01-24 15:00:57,596 INFO reaped unknown pid 1578 Home assistant makes it super-easy to capture data from devices around your home by adding plugins, and it makes that data available in the history tab, so you can keep track of whats going on, like this. Which can be limiting for some of the commands/flags you might need to set. So I decided to create one myself to help people to have a basic start with such deployment. The edge tag will always have the latest and greatest that I have upgraded it to. Administrative Assistant / Data Entry Clerk - Become a Focus Group Panelist now - Remote Part Time or Full Time Work At Home Position. This attribute contains domain-specific integration override values. I changed HA to run network host and added a firewall rule for port 8123. If theres some awesome new features etc that make the upgrade worth it, I might update the image to those versions too. Open the influxdb addon webui and use the data explorer. What is the temperature in the room right now? would be a classic question answered by sensor data. This way if you decide to upgrade to a newer version of InfluxDB/Grafana in the future, youll have the data available on your host machine, and it wont get destroyed if you remove the Docker container from your system. The only problem is the volume is shown as a value between 0 and 1 so it is showing .45% etc. not sure what you mean. After a restart Home Assistant will now start writing data to the InfluxDB database. Like before, set your timezone. and Jekyll. host: Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics. The configuration can be done via the configuration.yaml file. Oh man, I literally set this up yesterday. Thank you! If you're asking about Grafana, I'm a bit of a statistics junkie so I like to visualize things over time. It makes me want to switch to hassio. Then, click select tag value to choose an entity_id of another temperature sensor. If it doesnt use home-assistant_v2.db, can logbook: and history: be removed from configuration.yaml or is there some dependency? Sending data to InfluxDB with Node-Red. SELECT "value" FROM "homeassistant"."autogen". friendly_name: 'Bewegingsmelder grote kamer', sorry not sure how to do proper spacing on this so im just showing a pic of it: i believe thats a zwave right? name grafana Can you tell me how to update influx and grafana? Rinse and repeat for other graphs you might want to create as well, like Lux/Brightness, download speeds, etc. Use a binary template sensor, with the template doing an if speaker_a playing or speaker_b playing etc, then something is playing. Hi Phil, The list of domains to be excluded from recording to InfluxDB. Home Assistant is awesome but it lacks advanced support for showing data, especially over time. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This is where I leave you. For my entry sensor above, Im going to choose battery_entry_sensor. If you feel more comfortable doing that, check the InfluxDB documentation on how to add users to InfluxDB. As a first step towards Home Assistant Read more, adguardhome-sync build an even better ad-blocking experience with Adguard home. Hi Phil, Im using your grafana-influxbd docker container on my Synology NAS for more than a year now and I like it so much with my home automation. Home Assistant Community Add-on: InfluxDB, Home Assistant Community Add-ons Discord chat server. The good news is youre not the only one experiencing this. You're back at the initial Docker create window. Enter the following configuration into it: Make sure to replace the IP address, token value (the HomeAssistant - Write token) and potentially port, organization and bucket values with what you have setup. Well use this account to setup the dashboards. If theres anything you dont want recorded in there, you can use the exclude parameter. (Configure Filter). Ill have to wait until this works in the released version Then add Name and URL, where the URL should be the hostname where the InfluxDB is installed. But I think it has nothing to do with your code.Im sorry about that Such naming significantly increases risk of successful brute-force attacks, should they ever be attempted. Section 5 - Verification of HomeAssistant configuration in InfluxDB. All Flux queries require a range filter, one is automatically added to the beginning of your Flux query in the form of range(start: {range_start}, stop: {range_stop}). Duration or time value to start range from. These should limit resultset to one table, or any beyond the first will be ignored. With most of our . Thanks for sharing @ionu. In the "Read" section choose "HomeAssistant" bucket and click on the "Save" button. Entries will be limited, since they will start from the moment that you have added HomeAssistant->InfluxDB config into HomeAssistant. Hmm sounds like the two containers cant talk to each other. Maybe Home Assistant only reads the temperature outside once an hour from Dark Sky. Great for a wall mounted display that needs to display realtime stats, like temperatures etc. 2018-01-24 15:01:10,720 INFO reaped unknown pid 1644 You have several options to get them answered: You could also open an issue on GitHub, in case you ran into a bug, or maybe you have an idea on improving the addon: At this moment our Home Assistant Community Add-ons Discord chat server and GitHub are our only official support channels. Are you able to change the host to might help. Lovelace History Graph Not Updating since 0.91.1 & 0.91.2. 2018-01-24 15:00:56,529 INFO exited: grafana (exit status 1; not expected) First off, well grab the docker image that will have the InfluxDB installation. starting from the data source to the destination. Although this works for me, it might not work for you, or there might be other attribute data you might want to track. If there's a tag named "entity_id" with that value, it will be dropped, and if instead there's a field, nothing will happen. Yeah so you should be able to SSH in on port 22022 to update anything you want. I believe there is a Z-wave set config service, or it might be available from the Config panel. It is stored inside the add-ons persistent storage space (usually referred to as /data in the Hassio world). You should be able to edit it from the host. Sorted it. Following the instructions has a - in the username, which you may or may not have copied. Click the "Add Folder" button and choose the location on your host filesystem, where Grafana will be storing its persistent data. Thank you for watching. If you are using my setup just start the containers via docker-compose and follow these steps to set up our new InfluxDB database. Thanks a lot for your articles. A very simple setup could look like the one below. You can omit if you wish to use your own aggregator, which takes additional/different parameters or want to act on a different column. Remember, you dont need to be running Home Assistant and InfluxDB on the same server, thats just how Ive got it currently set up. Im wondering though, if you could exclude everything from trying to go into InfluxDB, and then only select the entities you do want to go in. Lowers and rises blinds in bedroom automatically, when I turn lights on or off after dark, Turns on red Hue bulb outside of my study, when I'm on a WebEx call. {{ sensor.fibaro_system_fgms001zw5_motion_sensor_battery_level }} 2018-06-18 14:38:55 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for influxdb: Component failed to initialize. In my case it looks like this. If all worked well your Home Assistant UI will boot back up and you wont see any error messages. Port 3003 works: I see the page from Grafana Configure which integrations should be excluded from recording to InfluxDB. port: 3004. There is a much better software for this: Grafana. Otherwise we somehow need to link the Home Assistant and InfluxDB networks together. There is also useful -precision option to set format of timestamp. We could choose to display each rooms temperature sensor individually. However, I have a problem I am an addict. Paste the query into the query "A" field in the bottom half of the "New dashboard / Edit panel" window which should still be open. I commented out logbook: & history: and deleted the home-assistant db file, and that did not impact the InfluxDb functionality. Note the text saying "Retention: Forever". Seems to work with $interval. Lets instead tell Grafana to join the lines together based on the previous reading. My battery sensors all of a sudden show N/A% even though my other sensors are still giving data. Choose the "latest" tag. When creating a new query, instead of choosing the unit of measurement first, like % or KB/s, select the entity_id you would like to get the attribute for. Thanks a lot for your reply. Built with github pages I need to find ways to import the graphs back into Home Assistant now! Use HTTPS instead of HTTP to connect. The database must already exist. You can now click the "Apply" button. 2018-01-24 15:01:23,834 INFO reaped unknown pid 1711 Thanks Phil will have a poke tonight! Your query only deletes measurements, it does not return any. It looks like grafana cant start properly, do you have any clue why? Repeat the same thing with "Grafana - Read" token. To the right of that should be a "Filter" frame. Now lets add the fancy gauges. For my own future reference and anyone looking to clean up data spikes over a specific time range, heres what worked for me: USE ""; DELETE FROM "" WHERE ("" = "") AND time > "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" AND time < "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss", Example if deleting all data on a given day: Once youve setup your data source, we can start off by creating a simple temperature line chart. Power levels reported by my Aeotec Smart Switch 6 units are recorded in attributes for example. It has a built-in HTTP API so you don't have to write any server side code to get up and running InfluxDB is designed to be scalable, simple to install and manage, and fast to get data in and out.. On the other hand, MariaDB is detailed as " An enhanced, drop-in .