As always, make sure to consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet or adding a new supplement. What is jujube fruit good for? BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 17(1), 489., Chen, J., Yan, A. L., Lam, K. Y., Lam, C. T., Li, N., Yao, P., Xiong, A., Dong, T. T., & Tsim, K. W. (2014). You can also purchase dried jujubes online. Modern research shows that jujube fruit also has anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and anti-anemic effects. Jujube is distributed worldwide from China to the US, most of Asia, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Africa. One animal study found that the antioxidant activity of jujube flavonoids helped reduce stress and inflammation caused by free radical damage in the liver (8). J. Experi. are clickable links to these studies. Chin. Skin Health, Cancer Treatment, Stress and Anxiety, Blood Detoxification, Bone Strength, Digestion, Sleep Aid, Weight Control, Immune System. The jujube tree originated in China, where jujubes have been cultivated for over 2,500 years. Jujube fruit is also commonly found dried., Kandeda, A. K., Nguedia, D., Ayissi, E. R., Kouamouo, J., & Dimo, T. (2021). Supports Cognitive Health, Plus Uplifting and Calming 9. Are There Side Effects from Eating Jujube Fruit? Participants noted an improvement in transit time during bowel movements after receiving the liquid jujube extract. If you have an ongoing health condition or are on medication, check with your doctor before using this food medicinally. When ripe, theyre dark red or purple and may appear slightly wrinkled. health benefits of red dates tea (jujube) 1. Thats exactly why theyve been traditionally used as a natural antidepressant, anti-anxiety and anti-stress medicinal food. Benefits, Nutrition, Uses & How It Compares vs. Blackberries. As both a high-antioxidant food and vitamin C food,jujube consumption is an excellent way to increase your intake of key nutrients. In addition, jujube fruits contain carbs in the form of natural sugars, which provide your body energy. In this article, we will look at the health benefits of jujube, its safety, and its history. They were especially popular in theaters when moviegoers didnt want their coughs to disturb fellow viewers. Ziziphus jujuba is the botanical name for the plant that produces red dates. While theres been little research on its laxative effect on people, you may want to be careful with the amount of jujube fruit that you eat. Both the seeds and fruit have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to improve sleep quality, support the nervous system, and encourage healthy digestion. 109 milligrams vitamin C (121 percent DV), While not as popular in the U.S or Europe as they are in Asia and the Middle East, jujube fruit (. Jujube fruits are low in calories and high in fiber. Jujube is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. If you purchase raw jujube fruit, look for ones that are unblemished, firm and full. It also has compounds that help reduce insulin resistance.19, Red dates are high in calcium, which is one of the health benefits for your bones. This can lead to constant hunger, vision problems, kidney disease, weight gain, and more. Retrieved from:, Aberumand, B., & Borici-Mazi, R. (2020). Also, theyre a concentrated source of sugar, so you should limit them in your diet. Here are some other interesting facts about the jujube plant: Like other dried fruits, such as dates and dried berries, jujube fruit contains plenty of essential vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C and manganese. Some early studies using goji berry juice found possible benefits that included: A feeling of well-being and calmness. Jujube fruit promotes fetal development by aiding in the production of blood cells with the help of folic acid. When blood sugar levels are too high, your blood becomes thick and sticky, increasing the risk for clotting. While free radicals are good at fighting viruses and cancer cells, they are not good when it comes to diseases like the flu or any other bacterial infection. In Chinese culture, fresh dates have a very special place in history, legend, and literature. Other common names for jujube include red date, Chinese jujube, or Chinese date. (2016)., Jiang, J. G., Huang, X. J., Chen, J., & Lin, Q. S. (2007). Jujube has a long history of use in China. The extract proved to inhibit oxidative stress and reduce inflammation. In the traditional Chinese book Qi Min Yao Shu which was written over 1500 years ago, there is mention of planting, cultivation, pruning, flower thinning, and the making of jujube paste. Red date tea is considered an essential health tonic in Southern Asia and is prized for providing good health and good luck.4, High blood pressure is a common but serious disease that many people deal with. These dried Chinese jujubes are known as red dates. Jujube health benefits are not easy to ignore, and its taste makes it worth even more desirable to consume. With strict editorial sourcing guidelines, we only link to academic research institutions, reputable media sites and, when research is available, medically peer-reviewed studies. Free radical damage is thought to be a major contributor to several chronic conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers (5, 6, 7). 11. This article tells you everything you need to know about jujube fruit, including its nutrition, benefits, and uses. Also called red dates, jujube can be eaten fresh, raw or infused into tea. When raw, these fruits have a sweet, apple-like flavor and can be eaten as a nutritious snack., Goyal R, Jialal I. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. Having a strong flow of blood plays an important role in traditional Chinese medicine because good blood flow equals a strong immune system, healthy skin, and improved metabolism.2, Related: This Is the Very Best Tea To Brew If You Have Trouble Sleeping. (2019). Researchers mention that this may be due to jujubes effect on hormone and neurotransmitter levels in the brain. Safety classification of herbal medicines used among pregnant women in Asian countries: a systematic review. Researchers believe that this effect on sleep may be due to the presence of saponins in the seeds. However, dried jujubes, which are more commonly eaten and used in cooking in many parts of the world, are much higher in sugar and calories than the fresh fruit. Some people also use jujubes to make vitamin C-rich jam. Your body also makes free radicals during normal metabolic processes. Jujube tea is an excellent calming beverage that can also help with insomnia and anxiety. A 100-gram serving (about 3 fruits) contains: Vitamin C: 69 milligrams (about 77% of the recommended daily value). 3. Jujube is a tree that produces a date-like fruit. Jujube fruits are a rich source of compounds such as flavonoids, polysaccharides, and triterpenic acids. jujube benefits for fertility. The fruit can be stored (dried) for over a year at room temp and even longer (2-3 years) if kept at refrigerated temperatures. Jujube fruits (Ziziphus jujuba) come from the small shrub known as the jujube tree. Jujube benefits the body in its ability to support sleep and gut health. The standardized extract of Ziziphus jujuba fruit (jujube) regulates pro-inflammatory cytokine expression in cultured murine macrophages: suppression of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated NF-B activity. Still, keep in mind that dried fruits are higher in calories than fresh ones. A 3,000-year-old Chinese text contains a collection of poems that mention that the Jujube fruit is picked in August and rice is harvested in October.. To establish that the product manufacturers addressed safety and efficacy standards, we: We do the research so you can find trusted products for your health and wellness. Read on for step-by-step directions and recipes. Benefits of the Jujube Fruit According to Science. (2021). This fruit can also be used for digestive support, including as an appetite stimulant or digestive aid. Furthermore, animal and test-tube studies indicate that it may improve memory and help protect brain cells from damage by nerve-destroying compounds (4). Although most dates (like medjool dates) have a high sugar content one of the major health benefits of dates is their essential nutrients. 5. Both the seeds and fruit have been used . While jujube fruits are generally safe, they may interact with the seizure medications phenytoin, phenobarbitone, and carbamazepine, as well as the antidepressant venlafaxine and other SSNRIs. Though its most popular use is as a sleep aid, it improves digestion by increasing the body's intestinal motility. In fact, most of the benefits of jujube fruits are credited to their antioxidant content. Due to rich supply of antioxidants, overall, scientific studies show jujubes impressive ability to helpkill off tumor cells, making jujube fruit a potential cancer-fighting food. Our team includes licensed nutritionists and dietitians, certified health education specialists, as well as certified strength and conditioning specialists, personal trainers and corrective exercise specialists. The fruit of Ziziphus jujuba is known to support a number of ailments that involve the gastrointestinal tract. Research shows that jujube benefits the GI tract. Some allergic reactions to the Indian jujube fruit (Ziziphus mauritiana) have been reported, although they are rare. The development of low-calorie sugar and functional jujube food using biological transformation and fermentation coupling technology. These various health benefits are attributed to the jujubosides, flavonoids, terpenes, and saponins phytochemicals present in jujubes. A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistryshowed that anadequate consumption (defined as 40 milligrams per day) of jujube each day can improve the gastrointestinal environmentand reduce the exposure of intestinal mucosa to toxic ammonia and other harmfulcompounds., Chen, J., Du, C. Y., Lam, K. Y., Zhang, W. L., Lam, C. T., Yan, A. L., Yao, P., Lau, D. T., Dong, T. T., & Tsim, K. W. (2014). Additionally, vitamin C and other compounds found within this fruit are thought to have natural antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. The historical and current research progress on jujube-a superfruit for the future. Emerging research suggests their unique antioxidants may be responsible for these effects. The glycemic index (GI) is a value used to measure how much a specific food increases your blood sugar levels. A 12-week study demonstrated the benefits of jujube fruit extract in individuals with chronic constipation. It is also rich in zinc, which also helps in the fetus's brain development and cognitive functions. In a recent animal study, polysaccharides that were extracted from Ziziphus jujuba were found to bring balance to intestinal microbiota in mice. One study out of Chinafound that saponins in ziziphus jujubademonstrated an effective sedative and hypnotic function, which can be used to help sleep. Today, it is popular all over the world. This article compares the nutrient profiles of. A 100-gram serving of dried jujube has 6 grams of dietary fiber. Jujubes have been highly valued in Eastern medicine and beauty for literally thousands of years due to its anti-aging and wellness benefits.. Rich with organic compounds + antioxidants, the jujube helps fight inflammation and promotes impurities detox - all contributing towards looking and feeling good.. It belongs to the Rhamnaceae family and is a deciduous fruit tree that is one of the oldest cultivated trees in the world. Smoked jujubes are eaten in Vietnam and are referred to as black jujubes. This why its also commonly known as the red date or Chinese date. Stick to about a half-cup serving of dried jujube per day or about one cup of raw fruit. Some other yummy jujube recipe ideas include: If youre native to Oregon, you likely know all about marionberries. * SHARES. jujube benefits for fertility. The seeds of the jujube fruithave been specifically implicated in reducing anxiety in animal subjects. Spinosin is a flavonoid found in the seeds of Ziziphus jujuba. Jujubes are a powerhouse of essential vitamins and antioxidants. More facts about Jujube Fruit. Jujube for sleep, stress, and anxiety As noted, jujube fruits have been utilized in Chinese medicine for hundreds of centuries, and Lashai says they've been primarily used to calm the mind and. Figs are packed with many essential nutrients and provide enormous health benefits. In Asian countries, the plant is grown as a hedge to protect farmlands. Species at-risk list. However, more research in humans is needed. The extract proved to inhibit oxidative stress and reduce inflammation. A 100-gram serving of dried jujube has 6 grams of dietary fiber. But what are the benefits of aloe vera for hair? Antioxidants are nutrients that block damage caused by free radicals. Jujube fruit has been eaten and used in traditional medicine for over 3,000 years. A study published in Digestion investigated the safety and efficacy of an extract of jujube onpeople with prolonged transit time, which is indicative of constipation. For females, antioxidants can stimulate the uterus by improving blood flow to the womb as well as promote healthy uterine lining for implantation. Another benefit of jujube is its anti-inflammatory properties. This article reviews all you need to. Jujube botanically known as Ziziphus jujube, also known as Chinese red date, Da Zao, and Chinese date is a popular "drupe . In an animal study, researchers discovered that a group of phytochemicals isolated from jujube seeds, known as saponins, were able to impart a sedative and hypnotic effect on mice. It improves sleep quality and brain function. Jujube Tea Benefits. A Tropical Fruit with Health Benefits, Why Is Jackfruit Good for You? The most interesting health benefits of jujube include its ability to likely slow the progression of cancer, improve skin health, aid in weight loss, cleanse the blood, relieve stress, stimulate restful sleep, boost immunity, protect the liver, increase bone mineral density, and detoxify the body. The fruit and seeds are the parts of the Jujube tree most commonly used in botanical formulas today, and are believed to be calming to the mind, heart, and digestive system. Apart from the consumption of jujube fruit as food, jujube also has a deep history in traditional Chinese medicine. Its believed that there areas many as 400 cultivars of the this fruit. Animal and test-tube studies have found that extracts from the fruit improved brain function, immunity, and digestion. Contents [ hide] It is rich in antioxidants. From jujube fruit benefits to how to eat jujube fruit, learn everything you need to know about the fruit. 5. Jujube has high fiber content. 9 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Almonds, Glycemic Index: What It Is and How to Use It. Other purported jujube health benefits include: The Botanical Safety Handbook puts jujube in the safety class of 1, meaning it can be safely used by most individuals.