keddie murders survivors

However, investigators didnt address these statements, and the police did not arrest or interview Marty again. Dmac does not agree on this point. Plumas County Sheriffs DepartmentA back view of cabin 28 where the family had lived for a year. Police were called to the scene at around 8:05 that morning, having been alerted by the Seabolt family . This letter was not treated as a confession nor was it followed up on at the time. The most widely accepted theory involves a love triangle between Martin, Marilyn, and Sue. Near the remains detectives also found a childs blanket, a blue nylon jacket, a pair of jeans with a missing back pocket, and an empty surgical tape dispenser. [28] Near the remains, detectives also discovered a blue nylon jacket, a blanket, a pair of Levi Strauss jeans with a missing back pocket, and an empty medical tape dispenser. "[29] In a 2016 interview, Gamberg stated that the letter was "overlooked" in the initial investigation and never admitted as evidence. A butcher knife and claw hammer, both also bloodied, were side-by-side on a small wooden table near the entry into the kitchen. The town tried to reinvent itself by becoming a recreational camping and hiking resort area. Even though Marilyn admitted in a 2008 documentary that she thought her husband his friend Bo was responsible, Sheriff Doug Thomas contradicted this and stated that Martin had successfully passed a polygraph test. As reported by Historic Mysteries, Justin was placed under hypnosis and questioned about the content of his dreams. The murders at Keddie Cabin 28 appeared to be random acts of cruelty. In press releases accompanying the sketches, the suspects were described as being in their late 20s to early 30s; one stood between 5feet 11inches (1.80m) to 6feet 2inches (1.88m) tall with dark-blonde hair, and the other between 5feet 6inches (1.68m) and 5feet 10inches (1.78m) with black, greased hair. Nevertheless, Gamberg says that six people may have been involved. Detectives also discovered that the telephone had been left off the hook, and the lights had been shut off with all the drapes fully closed. His throat had been slit. All rights reserved. The strangest thing is that there is no apparent motive. Like her son, her throat had been cut. Martin Smartt later told the police that he had a hammer that matched the one discovered and also that his hammer and gone missing shortly before the murders. [24], The house in which the murders occurred was demolished in 2004. The killers had escaped. [10] Tina, who had been watching television at the Seabolt residence, was told by Sheila that Sue wanted Tina home by 10 PM, so Tina returned to #28 around 9:55 pm. John Boubede left Keddie after the murders and returned to Chicago, where he died in 1988. True Crime April 12, 1981. On April 11, 1981, Glenna "Sue" Sharp, a 36-year-old mother of five children, settled down for the night at Cabin 28, in Keddie, a small community surrounded by mountains in Northern California. "I believe there are two individuals that are alive and accessories after the fact,"Detective Mike Gamberg saidin an April 2021 interview with ABC10. "I've paid the price of your love & now I've bought it with four people's lives," ABC10 reports the letter said. Gamberg and the owner,who goes by the name DMAC, believe that Sue Sharp and Marty Smartt were having an affair. In 2013, he located the recording of the anonymous 911 phone call that came in after Tinas remains surfaced. All three returned home later, but Marty and Bo went out again. Historic Mysteries reports Marty's wife Marilyn found a bloody jacket in their basement, which she believed belonged to Tina. It was believed that Martin and Sue were having an affair and that Sue was supposedly counseling Marilyn to leave her husband, who she had said was abusive to her. Around 1:30 pm, Sue and her oldest daughter Sheila went to pick up John and Dana in Quincy. There were four victims: Sue Sharp, her son John, her daughter Tina, and John's friend Dana. But Sheila credits the memory of her mothers compassion as a guide she has tried to follow. Some evidence, such as a second bloody knife, turned up in a trash bin behind the Keddie general store. Local investigators wrote it off as an upturned burial skull of a native american, but two months later, they got an anonymous call claiming that the skull belonged to Tina Sharp. In July 1979, Glenna Susan "Sue" Sharp (ne Davis; born March 29, 1945 in Springfield, Massachusetts),[3] along with her five children, left her home in Connecticut after separating from her husband, James Sharp. To put it bluntly, dmac is a fabulist. The three youngsters were hanging out at the house since the afternoon. Three years after the slayings occurred, part of a skull was found 29 miles away near Camp Eighteen in neighboring Butte County. Probable murder weapons for the Keddie slaying discovered and submitted as evidence in 2016. [24] In his later account of events, told under hypnosis,[17] he claimed to have awoken to sounds coming from the living room while asleep in the bedroom with Rick and Greg. A daughter was kidnapped and her remains were later found. [24] Around 2:00 am on April 12, she stated she awoke to find the two burning an unknown item in the wood stove. When she opened the front door to the living room, she discovered a massacre. From the front door, their small wooden cabin opened to the living room. ("dmac" to his enemies.) You May Also Like: Brutal Murders on Germanys Hinterkaifeck Farm. Investigators initially thought it may belong to a Native American person. Rick and Greg claim they were asleep when the others were killed in the next room. The family had been living in relative poverty in a town of 66 people. [24] Marilyn claimed that on the evening of April 11, 1981, she had left Martin and Boubede at a local bar around 11:00 pm and returned home to go to sleep. On the morning of April 11, 14-year-old Sheila Sharp stepped into Cabin 28 to a . Therefore, it appears they did not have a chance or chose not to fight back. Unfortunately, they later went into foster care as their aunt already had several children and couldnt handle more. However, many of the residents left, and the town fell into disrepair when the railroad terminal was closed. Composite sketch of the Keddie murder suspects. On April 11th, Sue's daughter, Sheila Sharp came home to find her family slain in their cabin. [29] He later criticized the quality of the initial investigation, saying: "You could take someone just coming out of the academy and they'd have done a better job. A few years later, Martys wife, Marilyn, said that she had found Tinas bloody jacket in their basement and had given it to the police during the earlier investigation. However, an anonymous call to the Sheriffs office reported the remains as belonging to Tina Sharp. The girls shared one, and the younger boys shared the other. Investigators believe he was cooperating with the Department of Justice as an informant. The Varangians: Viking Conquerors turned Byzantium Honor Guard, The Secret Necropolis of Ancient Varna and the First Goldsmiths. Keddie is a small town in the Sierra Nevada mountains, located roughly halfway between Redding and Reno. On July 18, 1984, a lone gunman James Oliver Huberty entered a crowded McDonald's with a plan: "hunting for humans." He opened fire on the customers inside the fast-food chain, killing 21 and wounding 19 others. Killers Von Taylor, and Edward Deli, were ex-cons, and on the run from their half-way house. As reported by The Mystique, Justin began having vivid dreams in the days after the murders. Somehow, this erupted into a bout of violence between them, which resulted in the murders. It's a case that involves a triple-slaying and a missing child whose remains. It wasnt until three years later on April 22, 1984, when Ronald Pedrini reported that he was in the woods about 90 miles southwest of Keddie when he stumbled upon something suspicious. A Net Inceptions project. They had apparently slept through the entire massacre which had unfolded mere feet from their beds. Corona, Marcella. Afterward, she provided Plumas Country Sheriffs Dept. Marilyn later said in a 2008 documentary that she believed Marty was the perpetrator and that he had even confessed in writing to her. Later that year, a knife was recovered in a trashcan outside the Keddie General Store; authorities also believed this item to be linked to the crimes. The former Sharp home was condemned and demolished in 2004. Several new leads were announced in the 21st century, including the discovery of a hammer in a pond in 2016, as well as announcements regarding the discovery of new DNA evidence. However, their friend Justin was not as sure. Further, the home did not indicate forced entry, though detectives did recover an unidentified fingerprint from a handrail on the back stairs. On the floor lay her mother Glenna (Sue) Sharp36, her brother Johnny Sharp15, and Johns friend Dana Wingate17. While under hypnosis, he described the killers as a tall man with blond hair and a mustache and a short man, who was clean-shaven with dark hair. In 2013, the Plumas County Sheriff, Greg Hagwood, hired Mike Gamberg as a Special Investigator. Three of Sue's children were with her, Tina, 12; Ricky, 10; and Greg, 5. On the morning of April 12, 1981, Sheila Sharp returned to her home at Cabin 28 in the Keddie Resorts in California from the next-door neighbors house. If she did turn in a jacket, the police, once again, did not acknowledge it as evidence. The discussion suddenly erupted into a violent attack. What else do you want?. The weapons included a steak knife that came from Sues kitchen. Thats the way my mom raised us, she says. Why were the remains of Tina found so far away from Cabin 28? Sue packed her children up and moved across the country from North Carolina to the Golden State. Were convinced that there are a handful of people that fit those roles who are still alive.. Investigators claim that she was having her own affair at the time. [10] Around this time, the two were seen in the city's downtown area. Investigators discovered two bloody knives, a hammer, and a plastic piece from a BB gun. The prevalence of blood suggested to investigators that the victims had been moved and rearranged from the positions in which they were murdered. [29], In a 2008 documentary on the murders, Marilyn Smartt claimed that she suspected her husband Martin and his friend John "Bo" Boubede (erroneously reported as "John Boudee" by author Robert Scott)[a] were responsible for the murders. Some have speculated that Martin may have killed Sue for revenge, in the mistaken belief that she was responsible for breaking up his marriage. Sheila has spoken about the horrific incident in several interviews. On the night of April 11, 1981, three peoplea mother, her adolescent son, and the son's friendwere bludgeoned to death in a California cabin, all while children slept soundly in an adjacent room. Sue urged them not to hitchhike, but passersby spotted John and Dana on a street corner trying to flag a ride home around 9:30-10:00 that evening. To Gamberg, it is clear that the DOJ and Thomas-run Sherriffs Dept. On the night of the Keddie cabin murders, Marilyn, Boubede (or Bo as they called him), and Marty had been out together at the local bar. What is known is that this 37-year-old crime is far from a cold case, as new evidence sheds light on what may have occurred at Cabin 28 in Keddie, California. Although the story is intriguing, Justin may have gotten information about the case from the media during the four weeks since the murders. It's been forty years since the Kebbie Cabin Murders happened in a rural area of Plumas County. Once a busy railroad terminal in the Sierra Nevada mountains, Keddie had lost much of its population after the railroad closed down. He is the author of a series of published mystery novels and holds a degree in criminal psychology. At least one other person was killed that night: her teenage brother's friend, whose body also was found by then 14-year-old Sheila on the living room floor of Cabin 28 in Keddie, California, on. 35 Years Later, New Clues May Solve Keddie Murder Mystery. Disturbingly, the motive for those murders is still unknown, as the Keddie police department never caught the real-life killer (s), and the case remains unsolved. At the time John was 15, Sheila was 14, Tina,12, Rick, 10, and Greg was 5 years old. Were they protecting their informant? Later, it came to light that Marty was a personal friend of the local county sheriff, Doug Thomas, at the time of the crime. The Butte County Sheriffs Department soon received an anonymous call asking, I was wondering if they thought of the murder up in Keddie up in Plumas County a couple years ago where a 12-year-old girl was never found?. As reported by Keddie28, she returned to her family's cabin, which was only 15 feet away, at approximately 7:45 Sunday morning to get her outfit. The police never admitted this letter as evidence. The clues suggested that the perpetrators abducted her. As she opened the door, she screamed as she discovered the bodies of her mother, Glenna "Sue" Sharp, older brother John Sharp . Her fate remained unknown until her skeletal remains turned up in the woods three years later, as recounted Monday night in an episode of PEOPLEs new true-crime series on Investigation Discovery, People Magazine Investigates. His ankles were tied with electrical wire which was wound also around Johns ankles so that the two were connected. Along with the three murders, the younger Sharp daughter, Tina (12) was . Gamberg also stated that at that time, six potential suspects were being examined. Lt. Don Stoy, were not initially able to discern an apparent motive. . [27], On April 22, 1984, three years and eleven days after the murders, a bottle collector discovered the cranium portion of a human skull and part of a mandible at Camp Eighteen[17] near Feather Falls in neighboring Butte County,[28] roughly 100 miles (160km) from Keddie. Smartt moved to Reno, Nevada, shortly after the conclusion of his police interview and was also never arrested or charged in the Keddie cabin murders. [17] He later admitted to having briefly entered the home through the back door to see if anyone was still alive, potentially contaminating evidence in the process. [24] John Boubede, who allegedly had ties to organized crime in Chicago,[29] died there in 1988. I killed the woman and her daughter, but I didnt have anything to do with the [boys], he purportedly told the counselor. Unsolved murders have a way of weighing on a community, the place forever haunted and the neighbors always left wondering. The anonymous counselor told him that in May 1981, Martin Smartt had confessed to killing Sue and Tina Sharp. Unsolved 1981 American quadruple homicide in Keddie, California, Victims, clockwise: Sue Sharp, John Sharp, Dana Wingate, and Tina Sharp, The house's front door and living room interior, Several news sources use the name "John Boubede", though Robert Scott claims in his book, "Keddie murders revisited part 2: Following the clues", "Inside the Search for the Keddie Cabin Killers 35 Years After a Family Was Slaughtered", "A Daughter's 35-Year Fight For Justice: Sheila Sharp Longs to Know Who Murdered Her Family in Their Cabin", "5 Things to Know about the Keddie Cabin Murders and the New Hunt for the Killers", "Plumas County Sheriff seeks pair in Keddie tripple slaying", "13-year-old Keddie murders still plague sheriff", "Investigator closer to solving Keddie murders", "Plumas County's Keddie murders revisited Part III", "Keddie murders revisited part 1: New evidence discovered links living suspect to grisly scene", "Plumas triple murder investigation continues", "The Keddie Murders: 20 years have passed since four lives were taken in a brutal slaying", "Sheriff seeks pair for questioning in Keddie murder investigation", "New evidence revives Plumas County quadruple murder case",, Deaths by strangulation in the United States, Unsolved mass murders in the United States, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Tina Sharp (remains recovered April 1984), This page was last edited on 20 January 2023, at 21:19.