oakgrove primary school uniform

Interviews should also not take place during school hours. Pupils are requested to wear full school uniform during school hours unless otherwise instructed:-. Fax: 028 7131 2945. e-mail: info@oips.lderry.ni.sch.uk . We encourage our children to embrace risk and mistakes, helping them to understand that such mistakes are an opportunity to learn. Oakgrove Integrated Primary School and Nursery, 19 Limavady Road, Derry~Londonderry, BT47 6JY T: 028 7134 9644 | F: 028 7131 2945 | E: info@oips.lderry.ni.sch.uk Cookie Policy A change of shoes should remain in school to be worn indoors only. All children are expected to arrive for nursery smartly dressed in the correct uniform. No other styles or colours are permitted and will be confiscated and returned via Student Services. It is Oakgrove Schools aim for each individual to reach their full potential in a school atmosphere of harmony and shared community values. Students are welcome to wear walking boots to/from school in extreme weather events and change into their normal school shoes once on site. 581 students attend Oak Grove Primary School. Hopeful Minds. The school uniform policy specifically requires that hair should not be at the extremes of fashion. leggings, tracksuit bottoms, Plain black tights or white socks with skirts, Sensible flat black shoes (no logos/branding, trainers, trainer type shoes, canvas shoes/pumps or similar), Jewellery and make-up are not permitted, with the exception of a watch, Children with pierced ears may wear one sleeper or stud in the lobe of each ear, Items of religious jewellery must be discussed with the Deputy Head Teacher or Headteacher. Aileymill Primary School. Hair colour(s) should be natural and styles should not be extreme. If your child has long hair then it must be tied back for certain activities such as PE, Games, Playtime, D&T, etc. Leggings can only be worn if a long top/tunic or skirt is worn over the top of them and reaches to the mid-thigh or below. Oak Grove's residential program reimagines the High School boarding experience. False nails, nail varnish and nail art are not permitted in any year group. They have lost their ability to trust. Like us on Facebook: Oakgrove Integrated Primary School and Nursery. Since the school opened in 1997, the 4-H Club has been an active part of our school community helping to make a child's potential count. full range of oakgrove primary school uniforms special offer prices discounted lowest prices discounted offers . It is down to the discretion of the member of staff to determine if participation within an activity is safe or not due to the presence of jewellery that cannot be removed. Arkleston Primary School. Top 10%. Atlas Way, Oakgrove Past Pupil Success. District: Ascension Parish. The Sixth Form Study Centre is open from 8.00am until 4.00pm, Monday to Friday. Oakgrove Primary School 20 St Peter's Street Glasgow G4 9PW Phone: 0141 332 6210 Fax: 0141 353 6347 E-mail: headteacher@oakgrove-pri.glasgow.sch.uk Minority enrollment is 25% of the student body (majority Hispanic), which is lower than the Louisiana state average of 57% (majority Black). Independent guide to UK universities, student life, gap years, open days and finance. Spanish Lake Primary School placed in the top 10% of all schools in Louisiana for overall test scores (math proficiency is top 5%, and reading proficiency is top 10%) for the 2020-21 school year. Follow Us/Like Us. Trauma Informed Compassionate School. PLEASE SELECT YOUR PRIMARY SCHOOL. Parents/carers should supply authorisation in advance,via email, telephone, text or by providing a written note. It is the responsible of students to ensure that any valuable items are given to a member of staff to be locked away at the start of the lesson. Oak Grove Primary School placed in the top 5% of all schools in Louisiana for overall test scores (math proficiency is top 5%, and reading proficiency is top 5%) for the 2020-21 school year. Information and ideas on career choices or career change. These include: any ripped denim, sports shorts, jogging bottoms, strappy or low-cut tops, t-shirts with offensive writing/logos, over the knee boots or very short skirts/dresses/shorts. (225) 391-6750. 17550 Old Jefferson Hwy, Prairieville, LA 70769 | (225) 391-6750 | Website. The club was established to increase fourth and fifth grade students' science, technology, engineering and math skills through participating in the FIRST Lego League competitions. Hoodies/sportswear tops must not be worn within the school grounds at all. Navy polo shirt (Boys Mercury Polo Shirt with Logo or Girl Venus Polo Shirt with Logo)*, Reversible games jersey [Boys & Girls Multi-Sport Shirt (Navy/Sky)]*. The library is open to Sixth Form students during the school day, as well as after school, from 3.00pm 4.00pm. Choose from thousands of products to decorate, including the newest Oak Grove High School Warriors t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, jerseys, hats, long sleeve shirts, face masks, polos, shorts, sweatpants, and more. Our Nursery; Meet the Team; Key Information; Nursery Uniform; Registration; Primary. BT47 6TG N. Ireland Tel: 028 71 860443 E-mail: info@oakgrovecollege.derry.ni.sch.uk Fax: 028 71 860536 Set in the peaceful and beautiful Ojai Valley, just 90 minutes from Los Angeles, Oak Grove offers flexible 7-day boarding to domestic and international students in 9th through 12th grades. AOS.init(); Oakgrove IPSN is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. Welcome to oak grove Primary k-2. The team will then inform parents/carers before allowing the student to go home. Your childs haircut must be appropriate for school. No hats or hoods to be worn in the building. (This only applies to students that have selected the KS4 sports course as part of their options). This website is maintained by the Ascension Parish School Board. BT47 6JY. If you need to talk to anyone, they are always there for you, along with the rest of our staff. Contact info. Parents/carers should contact the school by phone oremailon the morning of the absence and on any subsequent days. I was really sceptical but it was the best thing Ive done", Im thrilled to bits. The registered office is at Oakgrove School, Venturer Gate, Middleton, Milton Keynes, MK10 9JQ. Milton Keynes, MK10 9JQ Durrington High School; Oak Grove College; Sir Robert Woodard Academy; St Andrews CE High School; Steyning Grammar School; Primary School Uniforms Menu Toggle. . Prairieville, LA 70769. 2050 Minert Road Concord, California 94518 (925) 682-1843 Phone | (925) 682-2083 Fax. Students are encouraged to wear a watch to help with punctuality and organisation. 75% of Oak Grove Primary School students are White, 11% of students are Hispanic, 8% of students are Black, 4% of students are Two or more races, and 2% of students are Asian. Information on back packing, volunteering and travel mates. This district and its schools are nationally accredited. Rewards. If you have any questions we hope that you will find all the answers here. Oakgrove encourages students to have part time jobs, as this is a good way of developing key skills and gaining valuable work experience. Stradreagh Gransha Park Derry-Londonderry. Pupils' behaviour throughout the school was almost always exemplary" Ofsted 2017. Each classroom has these rules, rewards and consequences prominently displayed and they are discussed with the children at the beginning of the school year. See Behaviour Management Policy. Tel: (225) 391-7650. www.apsb.org. Kingsbridge Educational Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 09144847. All policies are available, upon request from the school office. Inappropriate hairstyles include: Mohican,designs shaved into the hair,dyed or highlighted hair,any other style the Headteacher deems inappropriate. Tel:01908 545300, Oakgrove Secondary School Trainers and black school pumps. Oakgrove is a special school maintained by Stockport Local Authority for primary aged pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties. JewelleryIn the interests of safety and security, NO jewellery is to be worn in school. and Weaver Ln. You can order uniform direct from their website: www.maisies-superstore.co.uk. Any infringement will result in the student being removed to Internal Exclusion or potentially being excluded. No jewellery of any type may be worn in PE or Sport lessons. Following a course on Assertive Discipline the teaching staff have worked together with their classes to produce a number of rules that are to be adhered to in each class & teacher. Milton Keynes, MK10 9JQ The school's diversity has stayed . I am excited and honoured to welcome everyone to Oakgrove Integrated Primary School and Nursery. Oakgrove Integrated Primary School and Nursery, 19 Limavady Road, Derry~Londonderry, BT47 6JYT: 028 7134 9644 | F: 028 7131 2945 | E: info@oips.lderry.ni.sch.uk. Use this button to make a reportif you feel unsafe online. 20 St Peters Street Atlas Way, Oakgrove The nearest high school to Oak Grove Primary School is. The Apply link is the online application service. Robotics. By Monty Davis. Parents. . Failed to load RSS data. School Council. It stresses the importance of positive behaviour managementand encourages the development of self-discipline. Nose studs or other forms of body piercing are not allowed. This year we are celebrated 40 years of Integrated Education in Northern Ireland as well as our own 30thbirthday here at Oakgrove IPSN. SchoolDigger Rank: 23rd of 725 Louisiana Elementary Schools. Extreme not too short, nor too long, a number 2 is the minimum acceptable in terms of shortness, and should be blended in with hair of other lengths. Oakgrove is a large, 'all-through' school catering for pupils aged 3-19, set in south east Milton Keynes. This is an important time to catch up with Mentors and keep up to date with notices. Tell someone you trust too. Hair should be one tone and be close to the individual students natural hair tone. There is a dedicated Sixth Form section within the library that students can use, as well as ICT resources. Oakgrove Primary School is required to comply with the infant class size rules which requires that each Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 class must have no more than 30 children with a . If a student needs to go home during the school day because they start to feel unwell, then they must inform the Sixth Form Office BEFORE leaving school. All of our pupils are in receipt of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), implemented following a process of identification and assessment of need whilst at their previous, mainstream setting. Help for school leavers to make decisions about their future. Adults have let them down; they feel abandoned by the very people who should have cared for them. Website by School Web Design | Login 10. All items of PE kit should be clearly named in a manner that should not wash off after a period of time. Students and parents can register interest on line and be kept up to date by email. The school will be virtual until Aug. 16. It is our aim at Oakgrove School to bring each individual to his/her full potential in a school atmosphere of harmony and shared community values. This website is a vital starting point and provides access to further information. Oak Grove Primary School is ranked within the top 5% of all 1,237 schools in Louisiana (based off of combined math and reading proficiency testing data) for the 2020-21 school year. These can be purchased from the School Office at a cost of 10.00. Our uniform was agreed in consultation with pupils and parents. Student Leadership Team. leggings, tracksuit bottoms. Plain dark (black, grey or navy) comfortable bottoms e.g. Oakgrove Integrated Primary School and Nursery, 19 Limavady . They have experienced limited, if any, access to a class room environment or time with other children. Get in touch. Taping over piercings is not deemed suitable protection. The interactions between pupils and staff are extremely positive. The skirt must not be rolled over or bunched and tied to make shorter. Our family-style boarding facility provides a safe and friendly . In the interests of safety and security, NO jewellery is to be worn in school. E mail: schooladmin@oakgrove-primary.stockport.sch.uk. Tel:01908 545300, 2023 Oakgrove School All Rights Reserved | Website Design By Brothers Creative | Cookie Policy | Privacy Notice, Year 12 Higher Education Information Evening. leggings, tracksuit bottoms. Tel:01908 545300, Oakgrove Secondary School A school tie is available. G4 9PW Replacement pin badges can be purchased directly from the school. 70 Leaf Lane Hattiesburg, MS 39402. Our ethos for caring and setting very high academic standards in a traditional, disciplined and exceptionally well resourced environment is well known. leggings, # 76 in Louisiana Elementary Schools. The registered office is at Oakgrove School, Venturer Gate, Middleton, Milton Keynes, MK10 9JQ. Our club competes in each event at the State convention and travels to Nationals if we qualify. Oakgrove Primary & Nursery School Fax: 0141 353 6347 Additionally, this must not take place during school hours 8.30am to 3.00pm. Contains details of all UK Higher Education Institutions and courses. Oakgrove is an integrated school. The Oak Grove 4-H club is open to all students in 4th and 5th grades and strives to provide unique, hands-on and service learning opportunities, fulfillingour motto of "Making the Best Better!". Uniform; School Day / Attendance & Absence; Parents Evenings; Nursery. 17550 Old Jefferson Highway, Prairieville, LA 70769. Home - Ascension Parish School Board Office is located at 1100 Webster Street in Donaldsonville, LA 70346. Pierced ears - one pair (one per ear) of either gold or silver studs is permitted. At Oakgrove Integrated Primary School and Nursery our purpose is learning together for life and celebrating diversity. Whilst our childrens needs and presenting behaviours are as unique and individual as the pupils themselves, there are, nonetheless, common areas of difficulty. Located at the intersection of Minert Rd. Oakgrove is an integrated school. Gonzales Primary; Lakeside Primary; Oak Grove Primary; Pecan Grove Primary; Prairieville Primary; Sorrento Primary; Spanish Lake Primary; St. Amant Primary; Sugar Mill . Why Fast Food is Healthier Than School Lunches: The Shocking US How Diet and Nutrition Impact a Child's Learning Ability, 10 Major Challenges Facing Public Schools, Quality of academic programs, teachers, and facilities, Availability of music, art, sports and other extracurricular activities, Highest reading/language arts proficiency (Top 5%), See more public schools near to Oak Grove Primary School, Why Every High School Student Should Apply for Financial Aid. This includes watches.