We know how to help you fight for the full, fair compensation you are owed. A jackknife accident in winter. Call for Help With Your Texas Jackknife Truck Accident Injury Claim If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a jackknife accident in southeast Texas or statewide, contact the seasoned and dedicated truck accident attorneys at the Gilbert Adams Law Offices for a free consultation. If you are injured in a jackknife crash in Texas, you must be 50% or less responsible for the crash to collect compensation. Often, a loss of traction is caused by wet or icy roads, but it can also result from the force of a different collision, improper or sudden breaking, or equipment failure. Columbus, Ohio, 43215, 120 West 2nd Street #603 There are usually lots of people to talk to, paperwork to fill out and injuries to take care of. If the driver tries to slow down too quickly, the vehicle may jackknife, causing it to skid forward and strike several other vehicles. Prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes because each case is unique and must be evaluated separately. South Carolina Personal Injury Attorney Disclaimer: The personal injury, car accident and workers compensation information presented on this site should neither be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer or attorney client relationship. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Also, commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) weighing over 10,000 pounds must pass the yearly inspections of the Department of Transportation (DOT). Cases handled by lawyers who principally practice in our Durham (Main), Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro, NC and Greenville, SC offices. In many jackknife events, the 18-wheeler ends up toppling over. 2021 February 11 Twenty-year-old Caleb Runyeon was killed in a sideswipe collision with a semi-truck on I-70 near Enon Road in Cleveland. Home Truck Accidents Jackknife Truck Accidents. What Is Included in a Bodily Injury Claim? Contact us online today for a free case evaluation, and let us help you with these tasks so you can concentrate on your health. Additionally, as the weight of a large truck increases, the odds of a jackknife accident occurring decrease. A forceful hit from a large truck can lead to severe and debilitating injuries. Please try a different search term. The driver was cited for failure to control. Failure to maintain these systems or to inspect them properly may cause the truck to jackknife and collide with the vehicle in front of it. It can cause a truck to go out of alignment, cross lanes of travel, or roll over, resulting in severe personal injuries or fatalities. Also, when truck drivers are employees of the trucking company, as opposed to independent contractors, these trucking companies can share in some or all of the blame for the truck jackknife accident. Jackknifing means that a semi trucks trailer and cab fold into each other after an accident. The following are some of the most important things to do following a truck crash: A total of 4,102 people died in large truck crashes. Whether you are a truck driver, a car driver, or a passenger hurt in a jackknife accident in Ohio, The Fitch Law Firm is ready to listen to you. The resulting layout earned this type of gruesome accident the jackknife name. This is especially true if the truck is travelling downhill at a high rate of speed. Do not assume that you are fine if you do not feel immediate pain, as oftentimes a traumatic accident can trigger adrenaline and endorphins in the body which may temporarily mask pain right after the accident. Marion, Ohio, 43302, 1021 N Limestone St #200 The term originates from the appearance of a jackknife, a foldable pocket knife, when it folds into its handle. One of the most common types of truck accidents involves a vehicle that jackknifes. Jackknifing is the term used to describe when the trailer of a large semi-truck or big rig pushes the front towing vehicle to one side. According to the Ohio Department of Transportation, white-out conditions contributed to the crashes, with sharply reduced visibility and strong gusts of snowy wind. Lincolnshire Police has closed the A46 between Pennells roundabout and Whisby roundabout as a result of the jack-knifed lorry, announcing the closure just after 9.15am on Thursday. Interstate 35W southbound is currently closed in Minneapolis after a semi crashed and jackknifed in slick conditions following overnight snow. This may be caused by equipment failure, improper braking, or adverse road conditions . If you or a loved one has been injured in a jackknife accident and you would like to speak with a law firm that has experience dealing with truck accidents, contact Anthem Injury Lawyers today at (702) 857-6000. v.i. This can cause the truck or trailer to hit parked cars, guardrails, or slides into ditches. The most common reason trucks jackknife is poor brake maintenance. What Is Jackknifing? It also means that someone probably got injured if that trailer encountered any vehicles along the way. When a truck drives too fast, it becomes more difficult to stop it safely. If youve driven on an interstate, you may have seen the aftermath of a jackknifed tractor trailer wreck an 18-wheeler sprawled across multiple lanes of traffic, and the unfortunate car, or cars, who got sideswiped by 15,000 to 50,000 pounds of trailer. When trucks jackknife, they can spin horizontally, blocking all lanes of traffic. Accident victims often file a claim for bodily injuries, otherwise known as a, MNH Injury Lawyers10339 124 St, Edmonton, Suite 200AB T5N 3W1 Canada. CALL TODAY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION 580.765.9660. We want to help ease that burden for you by offering you compassionate service and sound legal advice. Responsible Attorney Thomas Godfrey is the attorney responsible for the content of North Carolina Website. To avoid the risk, drivers should reduce speed before entering the curve and not wait to brake while curving. When pursuing compensation for jackknife truck accident damages, it is beneficial to have a knowledgeable truck accident lawyer on your side. This website includes information about legal issues and legal developments. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); (614) 545-3930 While jackknifing can be caused by a variety of reasons, it is most often the result of a truck drivers negligence or inexperience. Attorney J. Gabe Talton: 555 South Mangum Street, Suite 800, Durham, North Carolina. from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) revealed that jackknife crashes are associated with around 10 percent of semi-truck occupant fatalities, and 4 percent of non-truck occupant fatalities. The trailer will then swing uncontrollably and the front of the truck will begin to curve. With carrier trucks, its not just the truck driver who could be responsible to pay for your damages the freight company and even some third parties could be found liable as well. Please contact a South Carolina personal injury lawyer or injury attorney at the Anastopoulo Law Firm for a consultation on your particular case. The front tractor houses the cab and engine. You should also make sure that you maintain a safe distance from other vehicles. What are the most common truck Jackknife accident causes and injuries? Address: 4190 West Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607. HD Tractor-trailer jackknife and Texas icy slides caught on camera - January 24, 2014 Dan Robinson 192K subscribers Subscribe 9.1M views 9 years ago #HD *No one was hurt in any of these. In most cases, trucks jackknife when the front vehicle skids but the trailer attached to the vehicle does not stop or slow down. Of the many reasons why you should hire a truck accident attorney, one of the most important is that a lawyer can help you seek compensation for the harms and injuries you have suffered from the accident. Instead, we get paid a percentage of any total amount we collect for you, and we dont get paid an attorneys fee unless we recover for you.2. Losing a loved one is never easy to cope with, especially if the loss resulted from someone elses carelessness or negligence., Strict liability law is different from negligence law. The Jackknife Crash. The amount of compensation you could receive from a semi-truck jackknife accident depends on the specific circumstances surrounding your wreck. The semi, meanwhile, veered into a concrete barrier on the left side, where it jackknifed and blocked all westbound lanes. Semi-trucks are extremely large vehicles and when the towing vehicle or trailer of a truck is out of control, it puts many other people on the road at risk. Also, commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) weighing over 10,000 pounds must pass the yearly inspections of the Department of Transportation (DOT). Truck drivers are distracted when they fail to observe the road. Drivers who are distracted should not be driving at high speeds or hit the brakes too suddenly. You should contact an attorney for advice on specific legal problems. Often horrific, jackknife truck accidents tend to involve multiple vehicles, catastrophic injuries, and death. Nearby passenger vehicles are often unable to get out of harm's way when a trailer blocks the lanes. If possible, take pictures of the accident and your injuries. The main carriageway was closed in both directions at . If you dont have enough experience backing up a trailer, you can try it in reverse by pulling forward on the trailer. Mechanical failure can also be caused by improper design or manufacturing defects. Driver Fatigue It's no secret that truck drivers work long hours in order to meet strict deadlines. How to Convert a Box Truck into a Camper. For a free legal consultation with a jackknifing lawyer serving South Carolina, call (800) 777-7777. Big rigs can weigh upwards of 80,000 pounds when loaded, and if a truck jackknives, the trailer can swing out, injuring pedestrians or other vehicles. The Florence office has a helpful and caring staff! If the truck is empty, it can be easy to break excessively. Truck collisions happen in many ways, and one type is a jackknife accident. Rain, snow, or debris on the road can cause a truck to lose traction and slide out. Truck jackknife accidents typically happen when truck drivers are . This means you should leave early for your destination and avoid high speeds on slick roads. The San Antonio personal injury lawyers at Janicek Law have extensive experience in winning fair compensation for victims of jackknifed semi-truck accidents. This is one of the most dangerous types of accidents on the road. There are two types of jackknifing: Jackknifing occurs quickly and unexpectedly. And you need answers to try to build a strong case. Moreover, the provider can recommend follow-up treatment if your symptoms worsen later. The crash remains under investigation. A tractor jackknife tends to happen on slick roads when you're loaded heavy, your tractor and trailer are not quite lined up in a straight line, and you hit the brakes. Attorneys fee calculated on gross recovery, before deduction of any court or other costs that are incurred during the case. In other words, about 1 in 10 truck occupant deaths have something to do with jackknifing. Moreover, a medical doctor can assert that the accident victims injuries are permanent, meaning that they are unlikely to get better over time.